Chippewa Central Plans

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Chippewa Central Plans
Posted by wayles3 on Monday, June 20, 2011 9:23 PM

Is there a detailed plan on the "Chippewa Central" line? I saw a small 2 pager in Railroad Magazine's book on track plans. There was not much information to go by. Is there a HO plan on this, does it exist? Is there a site to go to?

  • Member since
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  • From: South Central,Ks
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Posted by samfp1943 on Tuesday, July 5, 2011 8:56 PM


            Just a suggestion.  Tour request for a plan/diagram of a layout might be much more appropriayely asked on one of the Model Railroader Forums.

  Most of the posters on the TRAINS Forums are more interested in the 12":1' variety of trains. There are a few who stop by here that do modeling, but your questions might be better, and answered much faster within the model community.

Good Luck.




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