Central Illinois Railroad in Wikipedia

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Central Illinois Railroad in Wikipedia
Posted by austinproto48 on Saturday, April 7, 2018 11:38 PM

I recently becames interested in Central Illinois Railroad #1206. There is a wikipedia entry that says "1206 is arguably the railroad's most famous engine, recently being featured in Trains Magazine soon after receiving its new paint job." Can someone tell me what issue this was. Also any other information about this locomotive would be appreciated, particularly views from the top or closeups of its unusual smokestack configuration and purpose.

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Posted by NP Eddie on Monday, April 9, 2018 12:13 PM

Wikipedia  also states that  the locomotive was moved to Fostoria, Ohio when the Central Illinois RR shut down and that the railroad reverted back to the BNSF. The 1206 was painted a CBQ inspired scheme. My suggestion is to e-mail "Trains" and have them tell you what issue that picture and caption were in.

Ed Burns

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