Old Fort and Clinchfield Loops info.

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Old Fort and Clinchfield Loops info.
Posted by Altafest on Sunday, April 13, 2014 1:58 PM
I am going to the Streamliner event in Spencer in May, and would like to check out the NS line out of Asheville and possibly the CSX while there. Does anyone have an idea of the amount of train traffic on both lines? I know the NS line is more of a secondary mainline and the old Clinchfield route of the CSX, pretty much dependent on coal traffic, probably doesn't see the traffic it used to. Any information would help. Thanks.
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Posted by MTNRailroadingNC on Monday, April 28, 2014 12:00 PM

The CSX line is indeed dependent on coal traffic. While there is less than there was a few years ago, there is still plenty of coal action on the line. There are also 4-6 daily freights, a local, and whatever 'special' trains (unit trains other than coal, MOW) might come through. You can see 3 trains in an hour or no trains for 3 hours. It just depends on the day. 

The NS S-Line is less busy and you can find yourself sitting for long periods of time with out a train. The loops see 4 daily freights (134,135,162,165), one turn local (P87), two more locals for pusher and extra service (P32, P34), you might get a coal train or two (744,745,749,750), and then again any special train. 

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