Location advice

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Location advice
Posted by endeavour on Sunday, September 16, 2012 5:42 PM

Gidday to all, just a couple of quick questions, I will be in Toronto and Dallas/Irving in a couple of weeks time. Where are some good, busy photo locations where I can get a couple of shots? Also, what is the current policy on photographing trains? I do not want to cause any trouble. This is going to be a quick trip to see family, so I will not have much time to chase trains. I will be in Hamilton Ontario, and I have a couple of locations in mind there. Thanks for any helpSmile

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Posted by MidlandMike on Monday, September 17, 2012 12:33 PM

About 25 years ago I went up to the top of the CN tower in Toronto.  It had a good overview of the downtown rail lines including a large roundhouse, although I think I heard the roundhouse area has been redeveloped.

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, September 18, 2012 4:54 PM


Gidday to all, just a couple of quick questions, I will be in Toronto and Dallas/Irving in a couple of weeks time. Where are some good, busy photo locations where I can get a couple of shots? Also, what is the current policy on photographing trains? I do not want to cause any trouble. This is going to be a quick trip to see family, so I will not have much time to chase trains. I will be in Hamilton Ontario, and I have a couple of locations in mind there. Thanks for any helpSmile 

One of the best spots in Dallas is on the Dallas Union Station platform.  There you can see trains from DART, Trinity Railway Express (TRE), UP, BNSF, and Dallas, Garland and Northern. If you are staying in Irving, the TRE is the best way to get to Dallas. TRE schedules can be found at  

Near downtown Arlington, which is approximately half way between Dallas and Fort Worth, you can observe the UP. Also, you can also observe the switching operatings near the GM plant in Arlington.  Although I lived in Dallas for more than 33 years, I don't remember exactly where I went in Arlington to watch trains inasmuch as I did most of my train watching at Union Station.

The Intermodal Transportation Center (ITC) in Fort Worth is a good place to watch trains, especially if you want to see Amtrak's Texas Eagle. If they are running on time, Nos. 21 and 22 are usually in Fort Worth at the same time for servicing.  No. 21 is due in Fort Worth at 1:25 (13:25) and No. 22 is due at 1:58 (13:58).  Also, the Heartland Flyer from Oklahoma City is due in Fort Worth at 12:39 p.m., and it is slated to depart for Oklahoma City at 5:25 (17:25).  In addition to Amtrak's trains, you can watch the action at Tower 55, which is just south of the ITC.  There you can observe BNSF and UP trains. The TRE would be the best way to get from Irving to the ITC.

If you go to Fort Worth, by all means visit the old T&P station and office building. The old ticket counter and passenger waiting area looks just like it did when the station opened sans the furniture. It is a quick walk from the ITC to T&P. Also, the T&P station is the last stop on the TRE.  From the platform you can observe UP action on the old Texas & Pacific line that ran from east Texas to Sierra Blanca where it connected with the Southern Pacific.  

Sounds like you are from Australia or New Zealand. I lived in Melbourne from 1999 to 2004 and have been back on several occasions to visit friends. In fact, I am booked for a trip to Melbourne in February.  One of the items on my schedule is to take the Country Link from Southern Cross to Aubry, have lunch, and return.  

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Posted by rambo1 on Friday, December 7, 2012 5:36 PM

go to union station in toronto and go to the skywalk  it passes over the tracks and take all the pictures you want. rambo1..

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Posted by rambo1 on Friday, December 7, 2012 5:39 PM

oh the skywalk is a glass walkway so there is no problem for weather.

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Posted by endeavour on Saturday, December 8, 2012 11:56 PM

Hi to all, thanks for the info Rambo1. I have been and come back on 25 Oct, and I can tell you I had a great train watching time!!!! Union Station Toronto was a happening place, the skywalk was a bit dirty, so the shots were not so good. The weather was nice, so that negated that problemSmile I did go out to Aldershot Ont, and *** near froze!!!!!! Was there for about 2 hours, and got a couple of trains. If the weather was better, I would of stayed longer!!! John Street roundhose in Toronto was a fun place to stroll through, and the CN tower was a great place to visit!! In Dallas, I was limited to the "Grassy Knoll" area, which apart from the overhead wiring structures, was a great place to photograph from. It was safe, and clean, and so long as you kept within the public areas, you were not bothered!!! I will post some photos when I get a bit more motivatedStick out tongue

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Posted by John WR on Tuesday, December 18, 2012 8:46 PM

I hope you get motivated.  I'm anxious to see your Toronto pictures.  

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