"a certain lack of disrespect." Think about that.
Not to mention "Spelling" as well. G&W is " Genesee & Wyoming " and finally, "Fracking"[ is shorthand for hydraulic fracturing].
POSTING SOBER IS AN ADJUNCT TO CREDIBILITY.... I can appreciate a spelling mistake, occasionally; but to continuously do it shows a certain lack of respect for everyone else who comes here...
***Muchas Gracias. tpatrick, [the one mistake my wife did not catch ]***
Yes, the fracking boom has given a number of Appalachian Basin RRs a kick in the pants. Those 2 refineries are kind of small. I drove by the Warren refinery a few years back, and it looked like something out an oil industry history book.
While natural gas is often found incidental to coal seams, coal bed degasification has had a disastrous environmental history. Oil and gas in commercial quantities is usually found in deeper than coal mining depths.
https://finance.yahoo.com/q/pr?s=GWR is Strategically located in the fraking zones of NW Pennsy and SW Ohio. While other railroads stock is moribond due to coal it seems that this short line holding company is in all the right places at the right times due to the gas boom carring frack sand and frack fluid and carrying oil and gas out. The B&P has the last 2 independent Oil refinerys in the US on its lines United Refinery in Warren PA and American Refinery in Bradford PA. This could be the salvation for other coal lines as well as the same geoformations that hold coal also tend to hold gas as well.
(BTW I am not recomending to buy sell or hold this stock by this post but just to do your own research and make youir own good judgement.)
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