Rock throwing SOBs

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Posted by rrnut282 on Tuesday, July 27, 2004 12:09 PM
The trouble with today, everything is becoming polarized. It's percieved as either all black or all white even though it is really grey. That's how discipline has become a pariah.

Philnrunt is correct, you have to praise as well as punish.

Kevin, you can rule with an iron fist and the child will not fill with resentment, if you are consistent. It's when parents vacilate and confuse kids about action/consequence that trouble arises. When my 3 kids were younger, I ignored the PC movement and spanked them often, for almost any infraction. However, I told them why I was punishing them and told them I loved them,but not what they did. After it was clear that infractions had definite consequences and the consequences were unpleasant, I didn't have to do it anymore. Now that they're teenagers, their peers look to them for their leadership and wisdom about how to have fun without getting into trouble.

It wasn't fun, at times, it took a lot of effort on my and my wife's part. We weren't their "friend", and we weren't popular, for a while. Today, I can sit back and relax some, knowing my kids will make the right decision even when I'm not looking.(because I just might be)

Please don't take my comments as blowing my own horn. I was, and am, not perfect. I was spanked, though the only one I remember to this day is the time I didn't do it and mom gave it to me anyway. Besides, I still learned that even though you do everything right, life still isn't fair. I dealt with it and moved on. I wasn't scarred by it and I doubt anyone else was. I just used convenient examples to illustrate my point that it takes work and logic to be a parent, not following some "feel good" formula.
Mike (2-8-2)
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Posted by Train Guy 3 on Monday, July 26, 2004 10:40 PM

That will be a great day....... Someone start a petitsion I'll sign.

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Posted by espeefoamer on Monday, July 26, 2004 8:55 PM
I LIKE the way this man thinks[:D][:D][:D]!!!
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Posted by Junctionfan on Monday, July 26, 2004 5:42 PM
I say equip all trains with a loaded ballast car and a caboose filled with a crew of good arms. If kids throw rocks at the train than slow the train down, give the crew in the caboose a ring and let the guys pelt the hoodlums with ballast. The railroads can even designate certain cars for the service. UP for example can use their "We will deliver" slogan on the cars except for thease cars it can be "We will deliver an *** whoopin"
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Posted by MP57313 on Monday, July 26, 2004 3:10 PM
Thirty years ago I lived in Cambridge, and would sometimes ride the B&M on the routes heading out of Boston. There was one section in Somerville where the kids regularly pelted the trains. The kids were usually standing in someone's back yard (maybe their own?). It was probably like what FJ & G saw; I don't think the parents cared.

I don't ever recall a window being broken on a train, but that DID happen, in Cambridge, on an MBTA bus. A kid threw a chunk of ice which broke the outer window but the inner pane was ok..

I have not seen much rock-throwing in recent years, but I do see damage to museum-bound passenger cars moved to open sidings. Private car owners wisely keep their cars stashed away on industrial sidings.
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Posted by philnrunt on Monday, July 26, 2004 2:30 AM
Had a fellow officer ride with NS from Ft Wayne to Muncie (about 65 miles or so) during a big Operation Lifesaver push, he counted 58 violations of one sort or another. If the cops were on the trains, you'd have a 2mph speed limit. And of course, you have different jurisdictions, prosecutors etc. RR cops could overcome alot of this, but they are few and far between these days. Downsizing has hit everywhere, no matter the final cost. And they concentrate around big cities where the problems are neverending. A few years back, a Lt on NS told me he had 6 men to cover from Indiana to Virginia. Thats sad, and they are seriously overstretched.
At our small dept, we still recommend that parents step up and do their job, and we get complaints too, just figure it's part of the job. No outside agency, short of the USMC, can instill respect for others and their property like parents can.
Hillary say's it takes a village to raise a child, but she failed to mention that the village has to discipline the child along with praising it. It is always a 2 way street, but today it isn't perceived that way. I have a feeling the future is going to be bleak, violent and bizarre. Kind of like the past! We never learn.
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Posted by Train Guy 3 on Sunday, July 11, 2004 11:03 PM
My best freind's brother just got back from Iraq. He told us that while he was over he would ride atop humvee patroling. Well while they went dwn the streets anti-Americans would throw rocks at them. When he asked his comander what they should do about it, he replyed " Throw the damn rocks back!" So while on a week of R&R his buddies and him all went out and bought high powered sling-shots. And from then on out anyone who threw a rock at the Americans got a nice surprise.

So to deal with these little SOBs you need to keep a bucket of rocks in your loco. Cause if you don't hit them with a rock, eventually one will bounce off the train and hit them back. Forget lawsuits.... it's all in seld-defense.

TG3 LOOK ! LISTEN ! LIVE ! Remember the 3.

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, July 11, 2004 12:09 AM
Arrest and prosecution is the best cure. Tough to get, but sometimes educating local cops can go a long way...

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, July 10, 2004 5:17 PM
I was riding the Texas Eagle out of Chicago to St. Louis about seven years ago. I was sitting by a window and in a playground somewhere outside of Chicago a group of kids were playing. A rock hit the window where I was, I about jumped out of my seat. The kids were laughing and jumping up and down like they really did something. I agree about kids these days not being disiplined and having respect for others.[:(!]
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, July 10, 2004 4:22 PM
I was a 13 year old boy riding a commuter train in the Boston area in 1973. As we passed under a cut I saw two boys above me toss a rock down onto the car. The window by me was hit, but did not shatter, (FRA Glazing).

So knock off all your whining about the children of today. Every generation has its bad ones.
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, July 10, 2004 3:22 PM
back to the original debaucal, new laws put in place gives children more rights-

Rulling with an Iron fist these days has it's fair share of issues, jsut ask the Quack Dr. Phil

besides, I'm not sure that would make a difference- That just builds resentment in the child, and the rentment builds up and up until they are able to understand what a gun is and how to kill someone-

not saying this happenes in all cases, happens in very few- but one is too many-

If get some of the real jerks with troubled childhoods going into office buildings and letting it rip.

Iron fist?


hard to revert to that lifestyle, and also a dumb solution.
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Posted by WDGF on Saturday, July 10, 2004 2:02 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by jhhtrainsplanes
WHAT are these people thinking? Are they trying to kill someone? [:(!] [:(!] [:(!]

Welcome to the results of people filling their minds with garbage. TV, film, video games, gangsta rap... parents let their kids see and hear things they shouldn't even be looking at or listening to, themselves. It takes an undeniable toll on the mind.
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Posted by jsoderq on Saturday, July 10, 2004 12:37 PM
True story from when I was a kid (5th grade) a long time ago. We lived 1 block from NYC/GT tracks. One night a large NYC steamer derailed because someone threw a switch and blew out the kerosone lantern protecting the switch. The crane operator was a friend of mine John Anderson. We both raised poultry. Some time later during class, a large cop named Frank Anderson marched into the room and grabbed Leroy by the scruff of the neck and dragged him out without saying a word. I'm sure the principal knew what was going on. Anyway, Leroy was never heard from again. I'm sure he is somewhere. Let me tell you, we all had a lot more respect ( read fear) for the railroad and the cops after that. Kids and railroaders wereften veryfriendly in those days as they often showed us things and let us on the train (when stopped). As we stood by the tracks every day they would always blast the whistle extra for us . We loved the noise. As an aside, I only got my *** whipped once but the threat was enough to keep me on the straight and narrow for life.
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, July 10, 2004 3:48 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by enr2099

The E&N Railway's Victoria Subdivision runs past a high school in Qualicum Beach, BC. All trains running past this school are equipped with video surveylance equipment to catch kids throwing rocks at the trains, at passenger trains(no freight service on that part of the Victoria Sub), the latest incident at this location was a kid had put a football sized rock on the tracks, when the passenger train came by it kicked the rock up, severing the fuel line on the Budd RDC. The engineer managed to get the train to the Qualicum Beach station where buses were waiting to take the passengers the rest of the way to Courtenay. Freight deliveries that day had to be cancelled as they had to send the Geeps to Qualicum Beach to rescue the dead RDC.

Another incident I remember hearing about at this section, some kids had loosened the bolts on a rail joint, removed the bolts and the fishplates, there was no train that day, an MOW highrail spotted the missing bolts and fishplates the next morning and repaired the joint before the RDC's came through a couple hours later.

WHAT are these people thinking? Are they trying to kill someone? [:(!] [:(!] [:(!]

Sounds like it is time to bring in the police and have them ride the train too.
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Posted by enr2099 on Saturday, July 10, 2004 3:16 AM
The E&N Railway's Victoria Subdivision runs past a high school in Qualicum Beach, BC. All trains running past this school are equipped with video surveylance equipment to catch kids throwing rocks at the trains, at passenger trains(no freight service on that part of the Victoria Sub), the latest incident at this location was a kid had put a football sized rock on the tracks, when the passenger train came by it kicked the rock up, severing the fuel line on the Budd RDC. The engineer managed to get the train to the Qualicum Beach station where buses were waiting to take the passengers the rest of the way to Courtenay. Freight deliveries that day had to be cancelled as they had to send the Geeps to Qualicum Beach to rescue the dead RDC.

Another incident I remember hearing about at this section, some kids had loosened the bolts on a rail joint, removed the bolts and the fishplates, there was no train that day, an MOW highrail spotted the missing bolts and fishplates the next morning and repaired the joint before the RDC's came through a couple hours later.
Tyler W. CN hog
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Posted by csxengineer98 on Friday, July 9, 2004 10:50 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by wisser

Reading all of this reminds me of a incident that happened around 1993 in the Los Angles basin. I heard this transpire on the scanner, both the SP road channel and the LAPD channel. I never heard anything about it in the main stream media(big suprise) or the railfan media. But this is what I heard:

About 1am or so one night I heard a train crew call the dispacher to have the cops sent to a overpass somewhere around Dolores.
The dispacher insisted on having a reason to do so. After a bit of back and forth the conductor gave this explaination:
He stated that while the train was going under the underpass someone started shooting at the train (loco I assume). The engineer suddenly produced a gun of his own and returned fire. Well it turns out the engineer was a better shot, and hit the person that started shooting at the train. After a few minuets I heard the LAPD dispach a unit to the scene. When the PD showed up they called the dispach requesting phsyciatric assistance. It seems the engineer had fallen apart after the incident beliving that he had killed the man. But as it turned out the guy was alive and the injuries were not that severe. And if i remember right the man was going to be charged with shooting a firearm and reckless neglagance. Not the kind of charges this idiot deserved. But I would be willing to bet he will never shoot at a train again.
Sorry the engineer had to go through that, But I salute him for taking action, more people need to do that in todays world.
wow..sounds like a nice old west shoot in the movies..and the good guy won too...
csx engineer
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, July 9, 2004 7:32 PM
Reading all of this reminds me of a incident that happened around 1993 in the Los Angles basin. I heard this transpire on the scanner, both the SP road channel and the LAPD channel. I never heard anything about it in the main stream media(big suprise) or the railfan media. But this is what I heard:

About 1am or so one night I heard a train crew call the dispacher to have the cops sent to a overpass somewhere around Dolores.
The dispacher insisted on having a reason to do so. After a bit of back and forth the conductor gave this explaination:
He stated that while the train was going under the underpass someone started shooting at the train (loco I assume). The engineer suddenly produced a gun of his own and returned fire. Well it turns out the engineer was a better shot, and hit the person that started shooting at the train. After a few minuets I heard the LAPD dispach a unit to the scene. When the PD showed up they called the dispach requesting phsyciatric assistance. It seems the engineer had fallen apart after the incident beliving that he had killed the man. But as it turned out the guy was alive and the injuries were not that severe. And if i remember right the man was going to be charged with shooting a firearm and reckless neglagance. Not the kind of charges this idiot deserved. But I would be willing to bet he will never shoot at a train again.
Sorry the engineer had to go through that, But I salute him for taking action, more people need to do that in todays world.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, July 9, 2004 5:20 PM
There's no defense for throwing rocks at a train but a jury would be hard-put to find any humor in it if a crew member killed a child by fighting back in the way you describe.

Pleasant dreams.

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Posted by csxengineer98 on Friday, July 9, 2004 3:24 PM
a few crewman fight back... knew of one that would chuck fusees at rock tossing kids... hit one sqaire in the chest ...droped him to the ground right now....last time he said he was ever rocked at that place..... HAHAHAHA... think the rail roads should let us carry guns with rock salt.... get a report that trains are being stoned...have the conductor go back to the sencond unit and lay in soon as the rocks leave their hands...blast them with the salt..ahahahah.... but that will never happen... but its nice to dream...
csx engineer
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, July 8, 2004 9:37 PM
I was on a city bus one afternonn back in 97 and listened to a fellow tell his
friend where to find freight cars to paint and which cars were the best to paint
ect.I sat with him talking so boldly.I witnessed two fellows about eighteen tossing
rocks and put the run to both as scared them with my pretend rifel(baseball bat)

we all ned to care

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, July 8, 2004 9:24 PM
i remember riding in the engine with my freind and his dadon the 4th of july in 2002 while a few SOBs decided to shoot bottle rockets in the engine from a signal ... he threw on the emergency and called the cops.... ive been raised disciplined so far as of the other teens vandalizing the tracks buildings and cars
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Posted by ValleyX on Thursday, July 8, 2004 8:33 PM
Kids? What about IDIOT ADULTS? I was coming up out of a medium sized Indiana town one evening when three adult males who I would judge to be at least thirty years old threw a good sized chunk of wood at me, it hit below the window.

I was leaving a large city one evening when a adult male somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty-five threw a brick at me from a trailer court.

Respect? Shoot, they're past that, there should be other cures!
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Posted by AlcoRS11Nut on Thursday, July 8, 2004 8:10 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by zardoz

Back in the "good old days" we used to carry wrist rockets in our grips with a baggie full of iron ore pellets. Gave them little bastards a taste of their own medicine.

Sounds like a plan to me!!![}:)][}:)]

Where I live people use the tracks as a landfill, then complain that the tracks are an "eye sore", stupid idots! Sometimes kids put junk (rocks, logs, etc.) ON the railroad tracks hoping to derail the train, luckly the max speed is 10mph so they can stop an remove the junk before hitting it. I feel sorry for the train crews too, the drivers pay no attention to the crossing flashers, one day a car actually waited till the last posable second to cross the tracks.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, July 8, 2004 5:02 PM
I remember hearing something about the NJ Transit shooting.

Way back when, I saw a brakie get hit in the head by a rock in the Bergen Cut. He was on top of a boxcar when it happened (that was allowed back then). Good thing he didn't fall off. They took him to the hospital for treatment.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, July 8, 2004 4:15 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by BaltACD

Facts are kids will throw rocks (or snowballs - iceballs) at anything that moves and anything that is unattended that doesn't move. That doesn't make it right, but it is what kids do until the get caught and have to pay the price, either on their rear ends from their parents (if they have the knowledge and guts to do it), or from the authorities arresting them.

We can all say how our parents turned us over their knee for our wrongdongs....but we still did wrong until we got caught and had our lessons taught to us the hard way. I am in no way excusing what these kids did...they need to be caught and dealt with.

Everyone operating trains, day in and day out, know locations where they will be rocked any time of day or night and in any weather from 90 degree nights to below zero nights and any time the sun is up and in a torrential downpour. To say the 'rockers' don't have enough sense to come in out of the rain is an understatement.
BaltACD: I find myself agreeing with you, Well said sir, with great clarity[#ditto]
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Posted by BaltACD on Thursday, July 8, 2004 4:09 PM
Facts are kids will throw rocks (or snowballs - iceballs) at anything that moves and anything that is unattended that doesn't move. That doesn't make it right, but it is what kids do until the get caught and have to pay the price, either on their rear ends from their parents (if they have the knowledge and guts to do it), or from the authorities arresting them.

We can all say how our parents turned us over their knee for our wrongdongs....but we still did wrong until we got caught and had our lessons taught to us the hard way. I am in no way excusing what these kids did...they need to be caught and dealt with.

Everyone operating trains, day in and day out, know locations where they will be rocked any time of day or night and in any weather from 90 degree nights to below zero nights and any time the sun is up and in a torrential downpour. To say the 'rockers' don't have enough sense to come in out of the rain is an understatement.

Never too old to have a happy childhood!


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Posted by vsmith on Thursday, July 8, 2004 3:50 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by cstaats

Could be worse. I was riding a NJ transit train into Hoboken and one of the windows in the car exploded. Turns out some one were shooting at us. That woke you up fast. Good thing it takes so long for the train to stop. I was three hours late for work and I do not think they ever caught the shooter either. Thank God no one was hurt.

Hmmm...New Jersey? Hoboken? 2+2 =.....? Sure it wasn't an attempted Mob hit? [:0]

   Have fun with your trains

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, July 8, 2004 8:11 AM
It isn't surprising to hear about stuff being thrown at trains. It's been going on for a long time. Back in the 70's, AMTRAK started outfitting their locomotives with window guards to keep rocks and debris from breaking the windows. At one of the rail museums I belong to, the later cabooses on display all have plexiglass windows- the reason being is that they were more resistant to rocks and bullets. (One of them has what looks like a .22 caliber bullet star in a cupola window.)

I'm a deputy sheriff in a rural county in Alabama. People throw stuff not only at trains; even trucks get hit. Two weeks ago an adult motorist threw a 2 liter bottle of Coke, partially consumed, out of his car at a truck. It hit the driver's side window... the driver ended up with his windshield in his lap and a severe case of the shakes.

About kids... and cops. Lots of parents seem to believe that when a kid gets "out of control" that they need to call a cop. When we arrive on scene, we have to play parent and social worker because the parent wants us to "give the kid a good talking to." Many times what the kid needs is a good hiding. We can't suggest that to a parent- nor can we administer said discipline to a kid, even though "common sense" says otherwise. My chief deputy- who is a dad and an outstanding law enforcement officer- tried suggesting a good "whuppin'" to a mother... and found himself in front of the Sheriff's desk answering a complaint... from the mother!

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Posted by Mookie on Thursday, July 8, 2004 7:42 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by mudchicken

Having had a worktrain engineer take a rock in the side of the head in 1990 at San Juan Capistrano at 11pm (Knocked him cold, a rock the size of a coffee saucer plate), I have no sympathy for the rock throwers. I catch 'em and call the cinderdicks.

(Usually just stopping the truck scatters them....Having something bigger than life and twice as ugly chasing after them scares the poop out of them!)
Hey - take it easy there - I hugged that bigger than life person and thought he was adorable!

But I agree - you listen to police calls and parents of 4 year olds are calling the police to correct their child because said child is out of control. They are constantly carting kids off to youth detention places. Sad, Sad.....

One parent (male) called police because he had left a small bruise on his kid's arm and wanted to report it so he wouldn't be accused of child abuse.

She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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