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DM&E Financing revisited.
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[quote user="TheAntiGates"][quote user="futuremodal"] <P>When the DM&E loan is paid back, what percentage will it represent in the RRIF's portfolio?</P> <P><BR>[/quote]<BR><BR>NO, that figure is not "91% of the new loans currently under consideration"<BR><BR>it's "91% of their ENTIRE PORTFOLIO" as in the 'whole shebang', gluttony, etc.<BR><BR>The UP and BNSF loans were probably good risks, since they did not constitute such a large share of their own net worth, either principal could weather the storm<BR><BR>If DME encounters a storm, they'll be sunk...bad way to tie up 91% of a good program on a bad risk.<BR><BR>Thanks for helping me make the only point that should matter FM, you are a gem.<BR>[/quote]</P> <P>Absolutely wrong. The figure you give (assuming accuracy of the figure) represents 91% of what is in play. It does not represent past loans. It just so happens that the DM&E project is the spotlight project right now. There are no other major projects in the works for such moneys. So DUH!</P> <P>You see AG, current loan applications under consideration ARE the entire portfolio. Past loans are history, future loans not applied for.</P>
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