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Don't Blame the RRs
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[quote user="Limitedclear"][quote user="futuremodal"] <P>[quote user="tiskilwa"]Many pages ago I made a comment in passing about price support to farmers. Immediately afterwards, someone (Futuremodal) seized on that comment, totally ignoring the main point of my post (which was regulation), and since then we've had 10 or so pages of talk about homesteading (yawn) and now Montana wheat (very big yawn).<BR>So I would like to apologize to everyone for mentioning the word "farmer" which started this off-topic discussion, and I promise never to mention farms, farming, wheat, or farm subsidies ever again on this Trains.com forum!!! <BR>[/quote]</P> <P>Rookie![:-,]</P> <P>Thing is, you can't have a discussion about railroad regulation without mentioning the <EM>cause celebre </EM>as to why we end up with said regulation - aka captive shippers and natural monopolies. You were actually right on topic to mention agriculture, it's just that you skewed the subject by <STRONG>claiming a double standard of federal aid for ag vs no federal aid for railroads</STRONG>. <EM>That's</EM> where you screwed up, not in the mention of farms, farming, wheat, or farm subsidies.....</P> <P>[/quote]</P> <P>All that spinnin' is makin' you dizzy FM. You are the one who is alleging farmers are mistreated, the rest of us recognize the power of the farm lobby and the many advantages it brings to agribusiness...</P> <P>Railroads, on the other hand must not only rely largely upon their own resources, but bear heavy tax burdens as well...</P> <P>LC</P> <P>[/quote]</P> <P>Yes, it must be quite a burden to bear - having half a dozen megacorporations granted their own regional rail fiefdoms with anti-trust exemption by the federales and frequent subsidies from the Taxpayers. </P> <P>Nice work if you can get it.</P>
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