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Don't Blame the RRs
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[quote user="tiskilwa"][quote user="solzrules"] <P>I hardly think that re-regulation of the railroads is going to solve anything. <BR></P> <P>[/quote]<BR><BR>Regulation had a leveling effect: It helped weak carriers survive; it prevented strong carriers from getting stronger. The result was that none were prosperous.<BR><BR>When the entire US rail system was in danger of collapsing under its own weight in the 1970's, the options were (1) make the system purely government-owned, or (2) get the government completely out.<BR><BR>The powers that be opted for dereg, and so today we have a hand-full of carriers that are prosperous. Things turned out okay. Maybe they turned out great. There is no perfect solution. Perhaps the aggrieved shippers could ask for mitigation from the government. Wouldn't be the first time farmers asked for price support from the government.<BR>[/quote]</P> <P>How many farmers received massive land grants? How many farmers get anti-trust exemption? How many farmers were allowed to expand via Eminent Domain?</P>
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