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Hold The Mayo: Study Says DME Cant Repay Loan
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Hey you were the one stating <u>"EQUALLY</u> improbable", and since I never offered any hard quantity to begin with, I was curious about your math in determining what's equal? Seems as tho you were stretching as a matter of convenience.<br> <br> I'd be very concerned about the guardianship of the publics investment, just being conservatively cautious<br> <br> Trying to pay the loan, along with the stockholders, and the employee's salaries, could get a little tense, if a rate war materializes. (I anticipate that pricing will be DM&E's primary tool to expand business, and to expect UP and BNSF to not retaliate would not be a bet I'd care to make )<br> <br> Deferred maintenance becomes a distinct possibility, it always seems to be where declining RR's seek their salvation.<br> <br> And even someone having the best of intentions could run that new plant right into the ground under such a scenario, until there was nothing left.<br> <br> Being clear that maintenance isn't particularly high on their priority list to begin with, I think the concerns are valid.<br> <br> "equally improbable" seems like a bit of a stretch to me. "remotely possible" seems a more apt description, but that is just me. <br>
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