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Hold The Mayo: Study Says DME Cant Repay Loan
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[quote user="Poppa_Zit"]<p><font face="Georgia">Well, the opinion of the Mayo Clinic spokeperson carries absolutely no weight, and even less -- if that's possible -- because Mayo is supporting its own selfish agenda under the guise of guarding my taxpayer dollars. LOL</font></p> <p><font face="Georgia">Consider the government laid out a lot of our taxpayer dollars in loans to the airlines at a time when their futures looked much breaker, and that hasn't backfired. Why doesn't DME deserve the same chance?</font></p> <p><font face="Georgia">While your scenario is possible, it is equally improbable. Plus, DME is putting its assets up as collateral. This taxpayer sees DME positioning itself to tap into a virtual 'pot 'o gold' in the Powder River Basin.</font></p> <p><font face="Georgia">PS -- I see BNSFrailfan gave you his 'danasoft' signature. [(-D]</font></p>[/quote]<br> <br> A. Even a broken clock is correct twice per day, so isn't it possible that Mayo can pursue it's own selfish agenda AND protect taxpayer interests as well? I don't see any hard and fast rule defining either as mutually exclusive<br> <br> B. No, not on the simplistic terms you advance, two wrongs never make a right. So just because the government was foolish with my money involving the airlines is absolutely NO (zipp, nada, etc) reason why they have to repeat the process with a RR.<br> <br> Stupidity is not a protected minority in this country, it has no rights for equality. [:-,]<br> <br> C. <u>Equally</u> improbable? Ohhhh, I'd like to see your math on that assertion I think that is little more than a conveniant generalization on your part<br> <br> <br> <br> D. Gee I coulda sworn it was the other way around, I never saw him using the sig until the day after I started. Or is that what you really meant?<br>
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