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Amtrak ridership up, Illinois to fund more trains
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by Poppa_Zit</i> <br /><br />Right now, with interest rates going up, sellers in places like Naperville are having a hard time getting the same home prices they got six months or a year ago. <br /> <br />They haven't reduced real estate tax bills, though. <br /> <br /> <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />The tax issues in towns like Naperville are largely self-induced. The state plays a minimal role in funding education, despite what the state Constitution says, and most funding comes from local property taxes. Naperville is annexing and building faster than they can provide infrastruction to support it. DuPage County has various boundry agreements, but Will county does not and the northern part where Naperville has been annexing farmland in checkerboard fashion is a real mess. All those new subdivisions need new schools, new fire and police, not to mention utilities. The old 2 lane road network quickly becomes gridlocked. The new tax base is insufficient to expand services at the level needed so tax rates go up. I'm fortunate to live in an established part of un-incorporated DuPage that has resisted annexation efforts by 3 different towns and because we didn't vote for any local tax rate increases, my property tax bill went up 4.83% while my property's value went up a whole lot more than that. <br /> <br />Illinois Income tax is quite reasonable compared to other midwestern states and unlike Wisconsin, Illinois does not tax retirement income. Instead we are hit with a multitiude of sin taxes, user fees, tollways, utility taxes, etc. IMO we'd actually be better of raising the state income tax, since it is deductible from Federal income tax while all these other taxes and fees are not.
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