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Wisconsin utility files suit against Union Pacific
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wallyworld, <br /> <br />The oil "crisis", such as it is, has nothing to do with domestic electricity production. Oil prices only affect transportation and a certain segment of the home heating market for the most part, with other petroleum using production having more discreet problems. <br /> <br />Now, if the railroads' inability to deliver coal in a timely and price friendly manner ends up forcing utilities to rethink "new coal" for energy production, they may very well return to a preference for natural gas and nuclear. Most natural gas we use is from the continent, so no real political influence in the price of natural gas have yet arisen. But if we end up having to import LNG from overseas to meet demand, then we might start to see the same geopolitical price manipulations over our electric bills that we currently see with our transportation fuel bills. <br /> <br />Coal is the key to our energy independence for the next couple of hundred years, not only for electricity but also coal liquification for transportation fuels. Can we afford to let OUR railroads screw THAT up for us?
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