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UP thru Spokane
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While the BNSF trackage rights can be problematic from time to time, it's just one problem in a sea of problems. If a train coming from Hinkle has less than a hour to work on their 12 hour limit, then BNSF won't take them unless some arrangement was worked out ahead of time between the BNSF and UP dispatchers. In that case, the outbound crew has to be taken out to Fish Lake to get on the train. The situation actually was worse up until a few months ago. About 5-6 months ago, a link was setup between Omaha and Fort Worth that allows UP dispatchers to see the BNSF's dispatchers screen of the Spokane Area, and a new direct phone line was also establish between the dispatchers. No more lost UP trains on the BNSF. <br /> And it's not like UP has no part of the blame. The BNSF dispatchers put a stop to the 3 on 3 meets on the BNSF a while back. For a couple years there, UP was using the BNSF like one big long passing siding, and that strained the BNSF's ability to handle their own trains. Imagine being the BNSF dispatcher getting bombarded by 6 UP trains all at one, and they all need to be one your railroad at once before they start to clear back onto the UP. Even still, last Wednesday ther were 6 northbounds and 5 southbounds all within 60 miles of Spokane, that was quite a day. Gary was a bit flustered trying to read out track warrants with three "not in effect until after the arrival of" trains. Of course UP's dispatchers leaving something to be desired, from Gary in the morning, and mister Happy Gilmore in the afternoon. Today got a "sun uv au b-tch" out of Gill. Mike "Taz" who was the weekend relief dispatcher, but now the full time night dispatcher is probably the best one on the UP Ayer/Spokane subs. <br /> Anyways, the larger problems for UP's Spokane/Ayer sub are Hinkle, which has been a on again, off again meltdown ever since they closed Eugene. Part of the problem is the "12 unlocks" a interlocking at the west end of the yard that can only be used by one train at a time. So if a train is lined into the recieving yard, or down the main, then nothing can come off the Ayer Sub. Conversly if a train is parked in the interlocking changing crews, or a airhose, everything else is screwed. the interlockings on either end of Hinkle need to be replaced with CTC. The other problems is lack of siding capacity, but that is about to change. Two brand new switch machines are sitting behind the signal maintainers building in the east Spokane Yard, ready to be installed at Joso. UP's going to start pushing CTC limits north, and filling the gap between Page and Ayer. CTC will prevent crews from having to stop trains to line back switches on the Ayer Sub. You know, the "Ex box seventeen...other specific instructions....leave the north switch at Merango lined for siding....leave the south switch at Wells lined for siding". Then the southbound has to line those two swtiches back. <br />Even though UP installed the new Trentwood siding a year ago, it's been used more as a stroage track for Hinkle than anything. They stuff a QEDHK in there because hinkle is too backed up to take it. I've seen three MSKHK's stuffed in the Spokane yard ready to go, but Hinkle won't take them (Wallula was in terrible shape because the MSKHK's weren't making their pickup their either). <br /> <br />I could go on, but it's getting late.
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