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Plans for ethanol plant on hold.
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by miniwyo</i> <br /><br />[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by dingoix</i> <br /><br />I don't see why some of you are against ethanol. Because that oil deep down in the earth WILL run out someday. <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />It will be a LONG LONG time before they run out though, They are Projecting a Boom in the Jonah Field north of Rock Springs to produce oil for the next 10-15 years, estimated to contain about 10.5 trillion barrels, and remember, when the Geologists calculate the amount of oil or gas it is always on the low side. By the time this field runs out, they will find a way to get the Keregin(sp?) (like oil) out of the oil shales in this area of Wyoming, we will be set for a very long time. The estimated amount of oil in the oil shales in SW Wyo. is about 1.1 TRILLION barrels, which is way more than the whole world has even used up to this point in time. Althoughthey will only be able to get about 60% of that, it should be enough to keep us in oil for years to come. Yes, I agree that we need somthing to happen that will bring the oil prices down, but I am all for oil exploration and drilling as it has given a HUGE boost to our econemy. It is even good for the railroads, They are the ones that bring in all the Frac Sand that the drillers use to drill with. It has done great things for this town and has made things better for future generations. <br /> <br />Google Jonah Field and you will come up with pages of information on it, It even helped the University. Encana donated $5 million to the school, now the stadium is called The Jonah Field at War Memorial Stadium. <br /> <br />You all use more things that depend on Southwestern Wyoming rescources than you know. <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />There may be a lot of oil left, but don't forget all those Indians and Chinese getting new cars to burn it with... <br /> <br />LC
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