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Why does this forum only have one moderator?
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by David_Telesha</i> <br /><br /> <br /> <br /><b>A.</b>but the same can be said for anyone. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /><b>B.</b>As for being on the inside, RR.net requested volunteers. I do not know personally or have any connections to the Administrators. I'm not anywhere close to the "inside". <br /> <br /> <br /><b>C.</b>And what makes you think if Trains put in a mod here, the membership would hesitate to report abuse?? <br /> <br />That puts a HUGE hole in your arguement..... <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /><b>D.</b>If you enjoy yourself telling people not to let the door hit them on their way out, or feeding their egos insulting them, well..... <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /><b>E.</b>Again, would it change your opinion if the only power the mod held was locking topics for Bergies review? <br />[/quote] <br /> <br /> <br />Before I reply to those questions, let me ask you to please not take my view as a personal affront. <br />Because it is not intended that way, ok? I'm not trying to imply that I personally am any more fit for such the position than you. I'm not trying to stand on the hill and point my finger. I've just seen too many forums go into the toilette after member mods started wielding their power to enforce their personal preferences over opposed opinion, and showing favoritism to their crony's. <br /> <br />with that said: <br /> <br /><b>A.</b> Exactly my point. The difference is that Bergie gets paid to do this. So, ostensibly, he has motive to remain professional and impartial. It's not that he is unfriendly , it's just that his first obligation is (rightfully) to Kalmbach, not to the group, or a portion therof. <br /> <br /><b>B.</b> Evidently you are not getting the point. If one is part of the "power structure", then they ARE on the inside. <br /> <br />There is a "good ol boy" network here, many of whom are outstanding contributors <i>as members</i>. But all you have to do is watch the occassional "kangaroo court" on session here when one of the less popular members posts an idea that ruffles the feathers of the brotherhood , to see that most of them enjoy "kicking the dog" just a little too much to be deemed 'impartial'. It doesn't take much imagination to see such types slapping one another on the backs and jeering "guess we showed HIM, huh?" <br /> <br /><b>C.</b> Really? I don't think so. Typically, among members of a good ol boy network , it is seldom seen as a "foul" whenever an outsider is given the 'what for', so rather that reporting the excesses of one another, they conspire to cover each other's tail. Just like when cops decide to fabricate evidence to cover for an unnecessary beating, the "Hey joe, you saw him swing at me first, right?" mentality, is regrettably all too likely. <br /> <br /><b>D.</b> I think you have me confused with one of the other members. I never made the remark you mention, that was someone else who made those taunts <br /> <br /><b>E.</b> I don't have any objection to more moderators being added, if it is determined that more moderators are needed. But I think it should be Kalmbach staffers, not some one out of the membership ranks. <br /> <br />I've just seen "member mods" ruin too many other forums to feel otherwise. <br /> <br />Not that my opinion matters any more that a vote of one, but that is my vote, nonetheless. <br /> <br />I'd be VERY leery of any member that was too anxious to pick up the gavel, figuring they already had a plan. But that is just me.
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