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Railroads dealt setback in bids for one person crews.
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by ironken</i> <br /><br />I would like to have a little discussion about some of these clowns on this forum having their jobs done away with........I bet their tune would change if the shoe were on the other foot. I bet they would get pretty butt hurt if a person that knew squat about their jobs started cockin off about their jobs. Anybody in favor of reduced crew size wanna tell us what it is that you do for a living and let us non insiders scrutinize your careers? Anyone? <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />Well see, *that* is just the whole deal. The real spark behind the negativism about one man crews is probably 90% sensitivity over reduction in the work force ("jobs" in other words) and about 10% over safety concerns, yet the safety angle is the one getting played because it appears on the surface more altruistic. <br /> <br />I'm not saying that the people don't care about safety, I'm just saying that their real motive for griping is loss of jobs first, and safety a distant second... <br /> <br />"Safety" is getting trotted around the pony show because it looks less selfi***o be concerned about than someone griping "hey, what about our jobs?" <br /> <br />That's my take on it anyway. As was mentioned earlier the well being of the public seems to get shoved so far down the totem pole here whenever some "moron" drives past a gate and gets plowed, that it seems more than just a little suspect that all of a sudden their wellbeinghas become paramount and justifies 2 employees remaining vigilant in the cabs, for the public's safety. <br /> <br />Me? I'm retired.... Company downsized and I took the exit package and bailed.
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