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Montana Gov. Schweitzer argues for rail competition
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by bobwilcox</i> <br /><br />I think the MT wheat growers have run up against the Achilles heal of regulation in a democracy under the rule of law. We all have a right to due process before the STB and in the courts. This means everybody gets to argue and counter argue their case before the STD. This takes years and millions and dollars. On the whole my vote is for due process. Secondly, the STB must apply the law to the entire nation not just MT wheat growers. It is not wise to protect one small group, even though the may have legitimate complaints, if you tra***he entire nations freight transportation system in the process. <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />Bob, your last statement is fallacious. You are making an assumption that if the STB enforces the competition caveats of Staggers, it would hurt the entire nationwide transportation system. This is preposterous. <br /> <br />1. Enforcing the competition caveats of Staggers would aid the entire spectrum of domestic procucers, who are the sole victims of so-called differential pricing. Most importers into the US are already the recipients of price competition for transportation within US borders, so the net effect of enforcing the competition caveats of Staggers would be to put US producers on an equal footing with non-US producers, for both domestic and international markets. <br /> <br />2. The only persons who could concievably be hurt by enforcing existing STB law would be the foreign and anti-American stockholders of BNSF, since price competition on grain and coal deliveries could very well cut into the monopoly profits of BNSF, and could result in a delay of double-tracking those import intermodal corridors. Wah, wah, boo hoo! In the meantime watch our trade deficit shrink as a result of such action. <br /> <br />In the long run, BNSF might actually gain by such enforcement since it may very well prevent the onset of re-regulation. <br /> <br />So the railroads might be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century free market. It's for their own good.
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