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Hijacked train derails
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by tatans</i> <br /><br />What has bin laden got to do with someone (and we can guess who) that takes a train for a ride, goes 200 yards at 14 mph, and this would NOT be classified as a "hijacking" but someone will get a slight talking to for leaving the loco unattended. relax, just relax. <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />I have worked that job. Why would they get a talking to? Derails were up. Loco/locos were secured (depending on if it was the Lawrence/Tecumpseh coal power or the switcher power). The only thing that they could have done wrong is left the reverser on the unit. Unless they have newer GEs on that coal power, the MACs and old geep that is usually there must be left running as not to freeze up. The locos left unattended thing does not apply if they are secured against undesired movement and protected by a facing point switch lined and locked against main track movement or derail.
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