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Balloon track vs siding/spur
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Tree: What is the age of the facility you mention? Can I assume that it is a long established facility located in mountainous territory? If so, would there even be room for a rapid discharge balloon track? <br /> <br />Ed: How in the blazes do you go from a discussion of elevator tracks to your seemingly obligatory rant of the "evil" BNSF/Walmart/China? A little Ritalin would do you good. Still, it is entertaining! <br /> <br />jeaton: Rates and how they are applied force action of the customer. Railroads have been learning this ever since Staggers came into effect - it is easier to price the customers out of their comfort zone and then begin the process of abandonment. Once you lose all your customers on a line it is less likely they will be around to file a challenge to an abandonment proceeding. Those pesky shippers always ruin a good act of retrenchment. And the same philosophy is used for online facilities that don't fit the "efficiency ideal". Just because a major customer takes an action that fits into the railroad's wishes doesn't mean that same customer would have taken that action without impetus being forced by the railroad. Most grain companies would be perfectly willing to continue dealing in carload and small car lots, because that is what their customers prefer. As such facilites become consolidated, it means more travel time for the elevators' customers to get from farm to terminal. Show me one grain grower who agrees with you that 110 car shuttles are the way to go. <br /> <br />Murphy: As usual, your contribution is sophomoric. Try for once not to let ed and the ilks pressure you into sycophancy. <br /> <br />CSSHEGEWISCH: Try to remember, elevator companies and grain growers are trying to stay in business too. What's "efficient" for the railroad is not necessarily efficient for the whole supply chain. <br /> <br />ironken: I'll issue you the same challenge I issued LC - tell us your real name and what railroad you work for, and I'll tell you who I work for. Isn't that fair?
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