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Working for the railroad without a college degree
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by Rodney Beck</i> <br /><br />Hey LC some officals have the brains but no common sence, i.e. I was running a 6200 foot vechical train with (1) engine it was abiut 1 above zero and was sitting for about 4 hours got the signal and was told that I needed to move now I told them I could not because my brake pipe had not recovered thenext thing I konw the signal gets taken. As soon as the conductor and I are off the train we have to see the trainmaster and explain why I did not move the train I was explaing the delayed departure brake pipe reduction and also about the 5 psi increase at the etd, and flow below 60 cfm. When I was tieing up their was an operations test failure for not responding to signal. <br /> <br />Rodney <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />No doubt about it Rodney, not all officials have a clue. What I'm saying though is if you have a clue as an ordinary employee that there are opportunities to advance into management. I know the NS comes around periodically to test for TM and RFE candidates. That doesn't mean that officials all have brains or that all come up through the ranks, most don't. Many are recruited to be ATMs from college. <br /> <br />LC
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