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Gunn Speaks Out
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by co614</i> <br /><br />IMHO David Gunn was the first capable CEO since W.G.Claytor,Jr. What he and his team were able to accomplish in the last 3 years DESPITE an Administration dedicated to destroying Amtrak,was truly remarkable. Therein lies his doom. <br /> Had he been another bungler like Warrington he'd still be there. His successes were ruining the Administrations game plan to implode the Company, and they feared that further progress would surely end any chance of getting rid of it. <br /> Firing Gunn however may yet prove a very stupid strategic move as it has substantially energized many in Congress who heretofore were not all that caring on this topic and has led several key members of Congress to put the Administration on notice that it expects 4 new nominees for the Amtrak BOD shortly after the Holidays and that they will be people with credentials in the field, and the recently approved enabling legislation is being "codified" with language insuring the continuance AND future expansion of the LDT's. <br /> From the 5 years I served on the BOD(1982-87) I can tell you first hand that at the end of the day the game is decided in the halls of Congress, not in the White House nor the DOT. <br /> The next few months should be very interesting to say the least!! <br /> Ross Rowland <br />[/quote] Anyways would some one be kind enough to find were this administration pledged Amtrak’s destruction? What did Gunn do? Why do all you guy talk about progress, with no facts? I am not saying he didn't make progress, but I haven't seen any. Why are we assuming Gunn is an angelic prophet, yet Mineta who has made clear his goal many times, is lying?
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