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BNSF prostrates itself [bow] before the feet of it's Chinese Overlords.
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by TomDiehl</i> <br /><br />[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by Lotus098</i> <br /><br />You just won't excpert any answer but what you want to hear. I should have given you this one. http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/ego.htm <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />What would be a pleasant change would be if Futuremodal would actually answer the question posed to him. Unfortunately, casting us as cartoon/video game characters shows that you're still pretty much a teenager. <br /> <br />Futuremodal's problem is that he takes offence at being asked a question, like we're questioning his opinion. In his narrow, concrete minded opinion, this is probably how he sees it since he can't come up with original thought and can't explain the one's he's heard from others. <br /> <br />Questions can also mean: <br /> <br />2. Your statement was incomplete <br />3. Your statement wasn't clear <br />4. Your statement piques my interest, but I'd like to know more <br /> <br />He immediately goes on the defensive rather than take an opportunity to educate. <br /> <br />PS: Possibility 1. is Questioning his opinion <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />Tom - <br /> <br />You are too kind to FM. He is simply afraid. He is afraid all of us will learn he doesn't know very much at all despite his wide dissemination of his claims of expertise. He only plays one tune "OA, OA, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, FM Land... because it is the limit of his repertoire.... <br /> <br />Those of us in the industry and those who have a brain know well the fallacy of FM's views. I often get sick of listening to his sludge (thus my occasional jabs at him). In reality he isn't worth the effort. He lashes out at anyone who doesn't immediately take his side because of his unreasoning fear, in some cases panic, because he has no real response or thought capability that would enable him to accept any idea not within his tunnel vision of reality. <br /> <br />LC <br /> <br />
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