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BNSF prostrates itself [bow] before the feet of it's Chinese Overlords.
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by edblysard</i> <br /><br />James, <br />Not an engineer alive would be caught dead wearing that dorky cap...[/quote] <br />What about all those old photos from the steam days? <br />[img] http://www.catskillarchive.com/rrextra/engineer.jpg[/img] <br />[img] http://www.trainweb.org/jlsrr/pictures/full-scale/feather-river/full-pictures/engineer-web.jpg [/img] <br /> <br />[quote]QUOTE: You’re made in China Wal-Mart shirt doesn’t quite hide you’re baby fat... <br />And you are standing in the middle of the tracks, with your back to a piece of live equipment, minus blue flag protection, looking like you have a corn cob or a potato in an uncomfortable and personal location. <br />(Which puts lie to your middle of the road comment earlier, sometimes even wanna be men like you stand in the middle of the road with their thumb up their tailpipe). <br /> <br />All of which means you’re too fooli***o get out of the way of something that is going to run over you, and too young to know to tuck in your shirt so it doesn’t get caught on something. <br />[/quote][#offtopic][#offtopic][#offtopic][#dots] WHAT IS THIS A FASHION FORUM! <br />I never really was a fan of that picture, camera adds 20 pounds; I only put it in my profile so people would believe I am who I say I am. However the Challenger had been parked their in Portland over a week with her fire down, 20 other people had been standing in front of it. Now I don't think I was in any danger.[;)] As for personal apperance, that doesn't affect my intellect in the least; would you care to use any facts. <br /> <br />[quote]QUOTE: <br />If the best you can come up with is an AR15 and a pair of old Army ball and cap 36s, then I doubt today’s Marines have much use for you.[/quote] As must not know an AR-15 is the same thing as a M-16 used by the military. During the summer I take my AR (one of dad's three and go shooting monthly. This is a NRA match thing, firing plenty of amo at 200 300 and 600 yards. I have also been very proficient with an M-1 Carbine (World War II/Korea rifle). Not to toot my own horn, but I have built from a kit my own muzzleloader, a Saint Louis Hawken 50 cal. Rifle <br />Here is me shooting it, I would usally shoot off-hand (standing), but this was to sight in. <br /> <br />[IMG]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a260/lotus098/IMGP0899.jpg[/IMG] <br />This is an AR-15 [img] http://www.keepshooting.com/productimages/firearms/rifles/ar-15postbanbig.jpg [/img] <br /> I shoot the standard military version, with peep sight, no scope, quite well. <br />[quote]QUOTE: Stay home picking taters and listening to Rush on your made in Taiwan headphones, watching old movies on cable TV, it’s safer that way.[/quote] Just what kind of country hick do you take me for anyways? Nampa is a very rapidly growing city, Boise is already bigger than Tacoma, and I don't even know any spud farmers. <br /> <br />[quote]QUOTE: You have yet to introduce anything original here, other that spouting off second hand garbage you hear at the dinner table from your disgruntled parents/cousins and the ramblings of a radio host who’s only skill is to talk enough tra***o keep his advertisers happy; after all, their target audience is the lower half of the IQ and income charts... <br /> <br />Ed[/quote] Nice to know you have my house bugged. How about you get some facts, I have never seen you like this, and I have always thought you were very smart.[xx(][D)] In fact I am stunned by your insults here.[:O] <br /> <br /> <br />Rember I am not the topic here, let's get back on track. <br /> <br /> <br />
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