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BNSF prostrates itself [bow] before the feet of it's Chinese Overlords.
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by photogeek88</i> <br /><br />I would think you would support the idea of helping employees here in AMERICA, Lotus098...seeing as you're all keen on patriotism. The last time I checked, the American Dream was not, "screw everyone else, as long as you're fine." I'm seventeen, and a Union member of Local 881 UFCW. It might not be a great idea for a part-time student only making $7.20, with $7 a week going to the union. But I know for certain that some seventeen year old making tennis shoes in China isn't going to be able to save enough money to go to a first rate university, like I am. Nor is he going to transfer to another branch of that factory in the town where his university is, be able to work part time while in school, and stay in the union to keep some basic health benefits while he tries to support himself away from his family. 'Oh, those commies in China will pay for his health benefits and education' I hear you thinking. Well, let me tell you, China is a pretty sore excuse for Communism. I know it might be a little off topic, but hopefully it will give you something to think about. If you don't like the government spending money, maybe you shouldn't support companies that drain our national treasury because they don't pay their employees enough to get off of food stamps. <br /> <br />What happened to "help your fellow man?" <br />[/quote]Now I won't agrue about China, but what do you propose to do? <br />Now exactly where do you get your idea "they don't pay their employees enough to get off of food stamps" who are we talking about? You know people can always quite thier jobs. <br /> <br /><font face="Script MT Bold"><font color="green">James, following the American dream of freedom and indepence from governement.</font id="green"></font id="Script MT Bold"> <br />[img] http://www.hullsharks.karoo.net/ict/images/photos/western-duke.jpg [/img]
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