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Good News for DM&E
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by nanaimo73</i> <br /><br />[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by futuremodal</i> <br /><br />3. A rehab of 150 track miles on the DM&E’s western end between Wall, S.D., and Colony, WY <br />Of those four separate projects, the one I find most intriging is actually the rehab of the Colony line, since this line represents the best shot of accessing Montana's PRB resources, as well as "reaching out" to a possible connection with the MRL. [/quote] <br /> <br />FM- <br />It is about 200 miles from Colony to Huntley, and against the lay of the land. There seems to be a large, well organized opposition already in place fighting the stalled Tongue River Railroad. <br />Would there be a lot of traffic that MRL and DME could interchange ? <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />I know there were railroad surveys westward from Colony. The lay of the land suggests either a northern routing via Miles City or a southern routing via Gillette. <br /> <br />Opposition to ANY project is simply the cost of doing business these days. Nothing new. <br /> <br />There is an opportunity for railroads to take advantage of the energy bill to justify new trackage that ostensibly serves to feed new energy projects. There are several coal fired projects prelimanarily planned or in existence in Montana, some accessable to MRL. For MRL to get this business, they are completely dependent on BNSF. As it is now, BNSF would likely serve any such plant located on MRL, with MRL getting a track use fee. With utilities becoming ever more cognizant of the risks associated with being a captive shipper, some of these proposals may not opt for an MRL location if MRL is itself captive to BNSF. If MRL had it's own link into PRB, or an alternate PRB link besides BNSF, they could then offer the prospect of competitive rate offerings to prospective on line clients. <br /> <br />Yeah, it's a long shot.
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