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Farmers complain about BNSF rates to STB
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Aw, crap, here we go again. Why is it so hard for pro-railroad types to just admit that there are captive rail shippers, most rail captivity is foisted upon U.S. producers and exporters to the benefit of importers, and this one sided captivity hurts the U.S. position in the world trade game, not to mention causing undo hardship on their fellow Americans? Geez, you can still be a pro-rail bigot even if you make such an admission. Or are you afraid of losing your membership to the cult of ilks if you dare to be truthful? <br /> <br />It is a stark form of traitorism when many pro-rail bigots would rather stroke the collective egos of overseas producers (who oft times make no secret as to their anti-American attitudes) than to lend a helping hand to their fellow citizens. <br /> <br />BTW, all this talk of "giving away" certain states to Canada is done tounge in cheek, at least on my part. Not to sure about Bob Wilcox, but at this point I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that he is doing the same. Even so, it is sophomoric and insulting that his response to Montana farmers being gouged by BNSF is to suggest that the entire state be shipped north. If any states should be "shipped north", e.g. cast out from this nation, it should be those that have done the least for this nation. <br /> <br />Subtle traitorism, that's what it seems to suggest.......
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