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writing train orders
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by mackb4</i> <br /><br />Track warrants are for DARK territory.Train orders are for every railroad that has signaled track.That track is known as (abs)automatic block system or (tc)traffic control.Here on the Kenova district of the NS in which I work we are (tc) from Portsmouth Ohio to Williamson WVa.We get train orders everytime we report to work fo mainline movement.When a shifter out of Kenova WVa or out of Williamson is to work a non-siginaled branch they are to get a track warrant from the dispatcher by radio or by phone.The track warrant has it stated at what station (where they are physicaly located on a train)and from point a to point b where they are going once they start in to dark territory .If I can get my scanner up and running I will scan a copy of the cover sheet of one of my old train orders and a track warrant.I'm used to running in siginaled territory,and I understand that alot of track out west is still dark territory.The WVa secondary is mostly dark from Charlestown WVa to Columbus Ohio.Alot of guys have transferred from it to where I work and they said they also got train orders for that route. <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />Track Warrants are also used on signaled territory, such as BNSF's Raton and Glorieta Subdivisions and part of UP's Santa Barbara Subdivision.
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