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Biodiesel plant planned in North Dakota
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by tomtrain</i> <br /><br />What's to keep oil prices from taking a dive as they did in the 80's, and wipe out the investments in alternative technology? <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />Yep, that's why all these new energy policy initiatives need some form of federal guarantee to make sure the investors don't get burned. This includes some initiatives that I do favor, such as coal liquefication and deep exploration/drilling for new hydrocarbon sources. I think the idea of a natural gas pipeline from Alaska to the lower continent is also part of the federal support system. Remember back in the 80's when all those shale oil and oil sands projects got burned by falling oil prices after the OPEC embargo? This nation cannot afford to let these new initiative fail before commercial viability is obtained. <br /> <br />[quote]QUOTE: <br /> <br />Isn't it smarter to put thought towards getting a new high-efficiency refrigerator, replacing the most-used lighting with LED lights, and getting a vehicle that gets 25-50% better mileage than you now have? <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />Now you are getting away from the proper role of government policy and getting into personal choice. It is not any of our business if our fellow Americans decide to drive SUV's with the windows rolled down and the air conditioner on full blast. If some SUV owner does that but only drives it once a week, he/she is probably using less gasoline than the person driving the hybrid every day. <br /> <br />But if you are talking about replacing older power plants with newer more efficient power plants et al, then you are on the right track.
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