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Mayor of New Orleans requests haste-People to write letters.
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Kudos Dan and Ed! Well put, gentlemen! <br /> <br />They're over in our part of the state griping, too. <br /> <br />According to my wife, who should know because she works with the issue, TX has added approximately 26,000 new clients to the welfare rolls in the last 2 days, and that number is expected to skyrocket over the next week. And with only a hope of the state being reimbursed by either LA or the feds, so at this point their welfare is being paid for by TX taxpayers and, indirectly financially displaced TX welfare recipients. We're all happy to do it--no griping about it from our side-the welcome mat is out, as Ed has indicated. So under the circumstances, they have no right to gripe about the accommodations or turnaround time for sign-up and benefit receipt offered to them over here. We're doing what we can. <br /> <br />I saw reports on the local news yesterday and day before about refugees who booked a couple of days in hotels over here figuring they would ride out this little (Cat 4-5 isn't little) inconvenience that was going to miss NO anyway (famous last words), and now were having to go to the less luxurious shelters because their reservations were up, someone else had booked their rooms and the hotel made them move out. Sure sorry, but exactly what other action should the hotel take?? They're all booked. <br /> <br />The griping is ridiculous, and the Governor and Mayor have no business joining the chorus. Do I detect even a hint of partisan politics in their remarks? (peri***he thought!) I don't seem to recall any whining or blame-shifting from either Giuliani or Pataki after 9-11--they got down to solving the problems and let the political chips fall where they may. <br /> <br />The logistics of this operation are incredibly complicated, and it's going to take time. Are we so hung up on our own convenience that we fail to see the opportunities to do good? <br /> <br />Shooting at rescue choppers? Just who do they think they are? <br /> <br />Reminds me of Mark Twain's exposition of the difference between a man and a dog. <br /> <br />Give the 14 year old kid in the johnboat a medal!
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