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Mayor of New Orleans requests haste-People to write letters.
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by Junctionfan</i> <br /><br />What the hell is wrong with you dude? I hope I'm out of line hear but you really don't critisize a man who has had no sleep, low clean water, rampid crime, excriment and urine everywhere, near dead or dying bodies rotting and being feasted on by rats, listening to suffering and plees of mercy. <br /> <br />It didn't take more then 48 hours to get supplies to Indonesia during the Tsunami but 5 days to get security forces and supplies into your own city? They did take too long. You would have to be a half-wit. <br /> <br />I just he learned that Fidel Castro has offered and mobilized 2600 doctors if needed; 2600! If Bush doesn't except this, he is a bigger schmuk then I thought he was. <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />Can I ask who your news source is? You may want to try the other media, Talk Radio, I have heard some very interesting facts that as usual the main stream media is all about not reporting or even researching. The National Guard is LA problem to call out. There is a law on the books that they have to call them , not the President. Also, he/she both have been up all night because 1. their conscious is eating at them, they had more then enough time to assess the situation, 2. they are the elected officials that should have been preparing for this disaster all along, what was it she/Govenor stated today or last night? They need to do a Berlin Drop? She actually wants them to just drop food and water into the zone. Guess what, the looters will be the first to parcel out the items. 3. It is now coming out about a lot of the graft and corruption that has been happening in good ole NO and I thing they don't know who's hand or palm to grease at the moment. Listen to some of the alternate news sources and start assessing the other facts. Your attitude may change on this matter. <br /> <br />Yeah their are folks in a bad way, but I, you, my mom, nor President Bush, the National Guard or my dog made them stay, we didn't tell the looters to to do as they please. I am also starting to hear the race card getting played, THAT IS TOTAL BULL, not a Black/White issue as they let some famous Jazz player state on CBS this morning. Man this is getting a little dumb. The reason that the Tsunami worked and we aren't is that the FED's aren't or weren't in charge from the beggining. We get our troops, and that is what's going in will finally restore order, many have had pratice in Iraq. okay, nuff said for that rant. Sorry...
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