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Mechanics Strike on Northwestern and are replaced by scabs....
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None of you watched the UAW/Caterpillar strike and outcome? Almost 20% crossed the lines to go back to work, the strike lasted years, many guys lost their homes, cars, boats, motorcycles, wives and some even took their lives because the end wasn't in sight. Cat brought in office workers, and they office workers loved it, they made the UAW wages of 18+ an hour and not the partly 10-15 an hour they were used to. I think the UAW here saw the writing on the wall, compromise or lose all union voice at Cat, save what jobs they could, or watch Cat bring in new hires (or scabs as you wish) or watch all the work get outsourced. The union stance here in Peoria, has had a negagtive impact on our securing new companies that would offer a better then Walmart or strip mall pay. Because the union held out so long we haven't seen a major manufacture reappear in years. The last UAW/Cat talks got to the 11th hour of striking, they had office/management out in the shops training right along side the UAW workers. Cat office was hoping for the strike, and I think Cat could have carried on with out the UAW in the shops, since all of Cat is Office heavy. I know a lot of this since my girlfriend is at Cat, they had her on the list to go factory. <br /> <br />While I think that a man should be paid a decent wage, and the company should appriciate the skilled labor they have, when you are looking at times were the best paying job a non-college educated is WalMart, a place like Cat and the offer of working for 2-4 an hour more makes it hard for some not to start being replacement (scab) workers. Put yourself in a younger persons shoes that sees others driving new Pickups, has a decent home while they drive a 10-15 year old car, they live in an apartment and live week to week and tell me you wouldn't place your family first to have it better instead of saying "oh, they are union, and I need to respect the union ethics" yeah right when we see what the upper union management takes home even when there is a strike. I think when the members they represent are on stike and taking home $50.00 a week strike pay, then the uppers at the union should do the same. <br /> <br />If I sound a little pro-company so be it, I have lived both sides of the fence, I have also owned my own company, it's not always easy to pay the "great wages" if you want to be profitable, grow and have your own retirement work. Also the union doesn't own the company or the jobs, the owner or "CEO" is the one. <br /> <br />[end][soapbox][/end]
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