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Mergers, abandonments, limited capacity, and the taxpayer,...OH MY!!
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by nanaimo73</i> <br /><br />TheAntiGates, <br />What is your opinion on using tax dollars to maintain routes for passenger trains not needed by the railroads? BNSF does not need the former ATSF Amtrak route either through Topeka or over Raton. In Indiana the former NYC between Indianapolis and Cincinnati seems like a logical future high-speed route, but there is no through freight on it. North of Indianapolis about two-thirds of the former Monon is gone. The current Chicago to Cincinnati Cardinal route is a mess that has changed several times over the years. <br /> <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />MY GOSH! with all the pent up sentiment here by the many forum members over passenger rail, why don't you just ask me to stick my head in a barrel and let everyone take turns beating on it? [:D] <br /> <br />As far as the BNSF-Amtrak routing you mention. I am not an expert on the specifics of those routes. Are you by any chance talking about the routes BNSF provides as an "alternate" path to keep passenger trains out of their way on the freight transcon? If so, I'd say that BNSF has some grandfathered in obligations per the original Amtrak deal, that need to be honored in a means, manner, and method that makes sense for both parties. <br /> <br />As far as the HSR through indiana........well, the route you mention will probably get used IF HSR ever gets off the ground here. That concinnati-chicago route would make sense... BUt it is my inderstanding that AMTRAK likely woukd NOT be the operator..and that the only part of the current physical plant that would be reused would be the right of way... with a complete new roadbed, rails, infastructure, etc built and owned by a new entity to be created. <br /> <br />How do I feel about state level cost participation with that new HSR entity? I think that the HSR "pitch men" are some of the biggest shysters to come down the pike in a long time. And the main objectives are to let the taxpayer put them in business with minimal money of their own involved. <br /> <br />So, the taxpayer is getting conned with a lotus song. <br /> <br />Looking at the Indiana Dept of transportation website under their "High speed rail initiative" you will see that the line you mention is pretty much a lock. <br /> <br />However, the line proposed across indiana E-W is shown with 2 "possible alternate" routes... one that would bring passenger rail back to Ft Wayne, with the alternate to pass through South Bend. (as does the current Amtrak routes). <br /> <br />I doubt seriously that there is much sincere intent to build the line through FW, it is just a subterfuge designed to whip voter approval up to critical level, and (my bet) is that once voter approval finalizes at the poll, the "determination" will be made that the northern route is the superior choice,..just like they play the old nutshell game. <br /> <br />Yes, I get very cynical when they talk about spending public money on projects that benefit just a few in private industry....the story always gets spun into some flavor of "For the benefit of all"...but when in reality just a few have their fingers on the till box, I get very skeptical.
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