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$60 a barrel for oil?
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There is only one solution to this situation, and that is to force accountability from those who brought this problem on to us. We need a tax on environmentalists and on those who donate to environmental groups, because it is them and only them who have created the massive economic disincentive to build and expand refineries, and drill for oil and gas in every area with even the most remote hydrocarbon promise. We need to have the IRS go back through everyone's tax records and find out who gave money to these groups and then wrote it off as a "charitable donation". Then we need to send those folks a bill equal to the total amount they have given to these groups, and if they don't pay up ASAP, then the fed should immediately garni***heir wages and/or put a lien on thier assets. Take the typical environmentalist's garish home with the mahogany siding, the redwood deck, and the seal skin rugs, sell it at auction, and use the proceeds to create a trust fund intended to provide incentive for oil companies, wildcatters, basically anyone willing to risk their own dime to bring more energy to the marketplace. <br /> <br />Unless and until the plethora of economic disincentives are ameliorated, we will all have to suffer for the actions of the Big Green Cult of Idiocy. Environmentalism is an economic cancer, and we are quickly approaching the point of no return in which the chances of reversing this cancer just might be possible. If something isn't done soon, we can all kiss our USA goodbye.
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