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$60 a barrel for oil?
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I drive a corolla with a stick, it can get up and go. That is my primary commute car. It still gets 30 miles to gallon despite it's 1988 vintage. <br /> <br />Regarding the misconception with failure to merge onto a freeway.. I am not budging from my position. Every morning I deal with one specific on ramp that forces people to the left because mergers in their big cars fail to speed up to highway speed properly. <br /> <br />It has gotten dangerous so the regulars form in the left lane about 5 miles before that specific onramp so we can breeze by safe from the lane changing and braking. The number of cylinders is really irrevelant when people dont understand how to merge properly. <br /> <br />This year my family has ruthlessly paid off thousands in credit card debt. By christmas we will essentially be debt free and in a position to keep buying gasoline at whatever price. <br /> <br />The credit cards were the true enemy with the interest and we are just about finished retiring that debt that was costing hundreds in interest. <br /> <br />We know that the gas will get expensive. We adjusted our work places to be closer to home and not have to worry about a 60+ mile commute. We did alot of work to ensure that our cars are getting the mileage they need to. <br /> <br />So, let them raise the gas prices. I dont care. even at 10 dollars a gallon we would need to buy approx 200 dollars worth a week and still can meet our commute needs. So, we are not rich, but at 7.00 a gallon we can still maintain our lifestyle. But anything over probably will force us to make cuts somewhere. <br /> <br />Part of the attitude regarding the use of gasoline stems from the fact that I used to see thousands of dollars a month in Desiel fuel at 3.50-4.00 a gallon in some areas of the USA. I am old enough to recall when the oil embargo hit. That was the end of the muscle cars and 70 mph speed limit in those days. <br /> <br />SUV's? I suspect people drive them either as a status symbol "Hey look at me!" or use them as battering rams to force thier way thru traffic. Aggressive driving in the mid atlantic states provide testamony to my theory. <br /> <br />You want to save energy? Then we as a society need to consider the emerging Hybrid Technology that can provide a 600 mile weekly commute for 20 dollars one time on a fill up. Now THAT is attractive. But I refuse to consider buying one the size of the old Geos. They cannot provide any meaningful protection in a accident. <br /> <br />We used to pay that much a week on several vehicles when we both commuted far away to work. The locals here with thier big pickups and powerful vehicles are staying with them too. There is too much work to be done with the farm to let them go.
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