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RR Carriers Bring One-Person Crews to the Table
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by arbfbe</i> <br /><br />Hi rail, yup, that's what management is thinking. Now what happens when the problem is 60 cars deep in a 110 car train? What happens when the hi rail untility employee is 35 miles away hand lining a power switch that hasn't worked for several hours and all signal maintainers are out of time? Deep drifting snow is not the hi railers friend. It sure all looks good on paper but remember none of the clowns selling this idea have had any field experience in over 20 years. Any underling that wants to point out the potential problems is painted as not being a team player and told to get with the program or find another job. If you are a manager on the railroad and you want to protect your bonus you make sure you cannot find any potential problems with the boss's grand plan. <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />There is no one great solution for every problem. In heavy snows the relief employee/crew may have to come up the hill with a jordan spreader. Problems happen. Solutions are found, life goes on. RRs behave a lot like other big companies. Management tries to protect its bonus, employees try to protect their jobs, nothing new there.... <br /> <br />LC <br /> <br />
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