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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by csxengineer98</i> <br />figers...i expect comments like this from someone that has a mental disorder called LIBERALIZIM....... just get over it...you lost...4 more years...love it or hate it...its time for you to get over it... and if you dont like it....do like the rest of your brothern have been doing..and move to the northern neighbor then..... for you to call eveyone that donst agree with you a neo conservitive or what ever you called us is a typical responce too...your party clames to be liberal and freedoms for eveyone... but yet your people pass the most laws telling us what we can and cant do..and what we can and cant say...you all have the same mentality.... we can say and do what ever we want..as long as it is what you want us to say and do....and that is not america... you might not agree with what im saying and thats fine..that is your right to....just as it is MY RIGHT to say it.... america voted and bush won.... regardless if you agree or dissagree with him...to call eveyone that belives in what america stands for..and not what you want america to be neo christions or what ever...is total BS....you dont like this country..then get out..and dont let the door hit you in the a$$..... <br />csx engineer <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />Hey buddy, Liberalism created the labor movement. The reason you're drawing the wage you are, no wonder your local chairman isn't talking or listening to you! Get a sense of history, then get back to us...Oh, you must be one of those RIGHT TO WORK STATERS, THAT GETS BENIFITS FROM THE UNION, but doesn't pay dues. <br /> <br />Your wage has nothing to do with the exercise of your craft. So get over it, and thank labor for your pay scale. <br /> <br />Rush Limbaugh "ditto heads" that are in labor just crack me up, they suck on our wages at work, and want to think they did it, earned it all by them selfs! . <br /> <br />Get a grip, if your not going to be a union brother, go sell pencils on the street! <br /> <br />Jim
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