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Montana fights back against BNSF
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[quote]QUOTE: <br />This is the same argument that some used to oppose the original enactment of the Interstate Commerce Act, 119 years ago. Among other things, the ICC was originally created to abolish discrminatory rates. <br /> <br />Given the opportunity to reinstitute discriminatory rates against helpless customers, Railroads have done so with a vengence. <br /> <br />One role of governmemt is to provide equal opportunity for economic gain and to prevent economic discrimination. <br /> <br />Taxation is frequently used to implement governmental policy regarding social good. <br /> <br />Best regards, Michael Sol <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />Deregulation in both the trucking and rail transportation industry was granted as a way to make both of these transportation modes cheaper for all shippers and make both modes more profitable and able to service needs. <br /> <br />If it is found that BNSF is in fact pricing service from Montana and South Dakota for all industries %50 above rates from other states for similar services, maybe some re-regulation is in order. <br /> <br />Jim - Lawton, NV MP236
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