OPEC and GM are like Crack dealers.

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Posted by Modelcar on Monday, March 7, 2005 8:03 AM
...There was a time {within the last 20 years}, the OPEC cartel didn't seem to have the clout but somehow that strength has come back to them....and we now are paying the price. They very well seem to control production to a degree it effects availability to the world market and hence the prices as well.....!


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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, March 7, 2005 2:56 PM
GM enginneers there cars using the theary of planned obsolence that is that in 5 years you will have a major system falure that will cause you to deside between a expenve overhaul or a new car. GM has bought patents for alterternitve fuel vehicles and shelved them so they never will get used. They also lobby against mass transit and are in favor of diverting money from the Federal transit Adminstration to "Intelegent Highways" sorry no spell check today
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Posted by oltmannd on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 12:36 PM
You don't have to own a car. Yes, it's true! Even in the US, there are ordinary people who don't own car! Lots of people live wonderful lives in cities, shop in local stores and use transit or walk to get around.

Nobody forced us all to move to the suburbs.

Me? I live in the suburbs in a house that's too big, drive 30 miles each way to work - by myself and own a Ford Expedition that gets 11 mpg and travel on vacations with a travel trailer. I don't like $2.00/ gallon gas any more than the next guy, but I ain't complaining! If I really objected, I would change my lifestyle.

-Don (Random stuff, mostly about trains - what else?

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Posted by dharmon on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 12:40 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by oltmannd

You don't have to own a car. Yes, it's true! Even in the US, there are ordinary people who don't own car! Lots of people live wonderful lives in cities, shop in local stores and use transit or walk to get around.

Nobody forced us all to move to the suburbs.

Me? I live in the suburbs in a house that's too big, drive 30 miles each way to work - by myself and own a Ford Expedition that gets 11 mpg and travel on vacations with a travel trailer. I don't like $2.00/ gallon gas any more than the next guy, but I ain't complaining! If I really objected, I would change my lifestyle.

God I love this country!!!!!

**Except my house isn't too big.
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Posted by oltmannd on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 1:02 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Dunkirkeriestation

GM enginneers there cars using the theary of planned obsolence that is that in 5 years you will have a major system falure that will cause you to deside between a expenve overhaul or a new car. GM has bought patents for alterternitve fuel vehicles and shelved them so they never will get used. They also lobby against mass transit and are in favor of diverting money from the Federal transit Adminstration to "Intelegent Highways" sorry no spell check today


1. No auto manufacturer designs their cars to wear out or fail prematurely. Ask an automotive engineer sometime if you don't believe it. Cars today run better and last longer than those of 30 years ago.

2. This "automaker buy up patents and stifle inovation" stuff is one long-lived urban legend - the same one that's been going around for 50 years - it's still just a big lie. The ONLY reason GM would buy up a patent is because they think it may be worth something later.

3. Of course GM is going to lobby in their interest. What's wrong with that? Have they been sucessful in keeping fed gas tax dollars from being invested in transit? No. 30 years ago there was no highway money going to transit. Now there is quite a bit.

-Don (Random stuff, mostly about trains - what else?

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Posted by oltmannd on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 1:04 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by dharmon

QUOTE: Originally posted by oltmannd

You don't have to own a car. Yes, it's true! Even in the US, there are ordinary people who don't own car! Lots of people live wonderful lives in cities, shop in local stores and use transit or walk to get around.

Nobody forced us all to move to the suburbs.

Me? I live in the suburbs in a house that's too big, drive 30 miles each way to work - by myself and own a Ford Expedition that gets 11 mpg and travel on vacations with a travel trailer. I don't like $2.00/ gallon gas any more than the next guy, but I ain't complaining! If I really objected, I would change my lifestyle.

God I love this country!!!!!

**Except my house isn't too big.

Maybe I can send you some of my house (along with the mortgage payment!)...

-Don (Random stuff, mostly about trains - what else?

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Posted by CSXrules4eva on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 1:38 PM
Well since I've heard so much talk about crude oil / gas prices going up I have to say one thing. I think here in the states we should be very thankful our fuel is approx: $2.29 a gal, because, over in Europe they have to pay approx: $5.00 a gal.
LORD HELP US ALL TO BE ORIGINAL AND NOT CRISPY!!! please? Sarah J.M. Warner conductor CSX
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Posted by AntonioFP45 on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 1:50 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by CSXrules4eva

Well since I've heard so much talk about crude oil / gas prices going up I have to say one thing. I think here in the states we should be very thankful our fuel is approx: $2.29 a gal, because, over in Europe they have to pay approx: $5.00 a gal.

Hello! Please visit the MRR Forum too.

Anyway, based on statements made recently by OPEC leaders we have to consider the strong possiblility that in the not-too-distant future $4 or $5 per gallon could become a cold reality.

"I like my Pullman Standards & Budds in Stainless Steel flavors, thank you!"


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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 4:11 PM
darn (since it will get edited) me and the man. i own a new chevy pickup truck with the BIGGEST gas motor i could get, because i can. it's (i hope i used the proper its) people like me who are the "enemy". gas guzzling vehicles that we really don't need at all.

as for the ethanol and bio-diesel, although i can not cite any sources bla bla, the capacity isn't there yet to produce what we'd need to put a dent in the petrolium use. what i'd like to find is a gas station with an E85 pump. 85% ethanol, 100somethin octane. bring back the days of the chevelles and 'vettes with the 450+hp big blocks!

a preemptive apology if i spelled anything incorrectly...
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Posted by csxengineer98 on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 4:32 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by farmer03

darn (since it will get edited) me and the man. i own a new chevy pickup truck with the BIGGEST gas motor i could get, because i can. it's (i hope i used the proper its) people like me who are the "enemy". gas guzzling vehicles that we really don't need at all.

as for the ethanol and bio-diesel, although i can not cite any sources bla bla, the capacity isn't there yet to produce what we'd need to put a dent in the petrolium use. what i'd like to find is a gas station with an E85 pump. 85% ethanol, 100somethin octane. bring back the days of the chevelles and 'vettes with the 450+hp big blocks!

a preemptive apology if i spelled anything incorrectly...
AMEN!!! more power!!!!!!
you know..its funny that the people (liberals) that say they are for freedom for eveyeone and eveything....are the ones that want to pass the most laws telling eveyone what they can and cant say or do.... makes you think
csx enigneer
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Posted by dharmon on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 4:51 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by oltmannd

QUOTE: Originally posted by dharmon

QUOTE: Originally posted by oltmannd

You don't have to own a car. Yes, it's true! Even in the US, there are ordinary people who don't own car! Lots of people live wonderful lives in cities, shop in local stores and use transit or walk to get around.

Nobody forced us all to move to the suburbs.

Me? I live in the suburbs in a house that's too big, drive 30 miles each way to work - by myself and own a Ford Expedition that gets 11 mpg and travel on vacations with a travel trailer. I don't like $2.00/ gallon gas any more than the next guy, but I ain't complaining! If I really objected, I would change my lifestyle.

God I love this country!!!!!

**Except my house isn't too big.

Maybe I can send you some of my house (along with the mortgage payment!)...

Thanks but no.....I've already sold 1 child, a kidney and had to give up my crack habit to pay for our little slice of heaven in the People's Republic of Kalifoornia
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Posted by chad thomas on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 4:53 PM
Those of you that think planned obsolesance is not a part of automobile manufactures program need to get a clue. Remember the Checker car co.? They were making million mile cars how long ago?
If the mfgrs. goal was to make long lasting cars, they would find themselves out of bussiness in no time.
And as for GM buying up the patends for fuel saving devices.
I don't think it's the mfgrs. doing this, But you can count on the oil interests doing all they can to eliminate this threat. Do some reasearch on energy devices and it will not take you long to see this for yourself. I personaly have built fuel vaporizers that work unbelievable wonders on fuel mileage. The designs I based my devices on were 70+ years old. Yet you never hear of these types of devices in the main stream.
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Posted by oltmannd on Wednesday, March 9, 2005 8:34 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by chad thomas

Those of you that think planned obsolesance is not a part of automobile manufactures program need to get a clue. Remember the Checker car co.? They were making million mile cars how long ago?
If the mfgrs. goal was to make long lasting cars, they would find themselves out of bussiness in no time.
And as for GM buying up the patends for fuel saving devices.
I don't think it's the mfgrs. doing this, But you can count on the oil interests doing all they can to eliminate this threat. Do some reasearch on energy devices and it will not take you long to see this for yourself. I personaly have built fuel vaporizers that work unbelievable wonders on fuel mileage. The designs I based my devices on were 70+ years old. Yet you never hear of these types of devices in the main stream.

Some things to ponder

Carnot efficiency rules.

Any car will run 1M miles - just keep renewing wear surfaces, bearings, etc.

Where is Checker today? (and why?) Where did Checker buy their drive trains? What was the source of Checker's original designs?

The obsolesence of automotive design is not planned. Old designs become obsolete because better designs come along.

-Don (Random stuff, mostly about trains - what else?

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Posted by zardoz on Wednesday, March 9, 2005 9:03 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by csxengineer98

Originally posted by sommerkamp

no one seems to have a spell checker or dictionary or a source of basic english
usage. the language is getting slaughtered in statements that are posted. two
examples: its [possessive] and it's [short for it is]; their [possessive] and there
[location]. let's try to use correct speech. call me a nitpicker if you wish.
i admit to occasional lapses, but what i see is pervasive.
you left out one very importaint question in that statment..... do the spelling offenders realy give a crap...i know i dont....
csx engineer
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Posted by zardoz on Wednesday, March 9, 2005 9:08 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by dharmon

QUOTE: Originally posted by oltmannd

QUOTE: Originally posted by dharmon

QUOTE: Originally posted by oltmannd

You don't have to own a car. Yes, it's true! Even in the US, there are ordinary people who don't own car! Lots of people live wonderful lives in cities, shop in local stores and use transit or walk to get around.

Nobody forced us all to move to the suburbs.

Me? I live in the suburbs in a house that's too big, drive 30 miles each way to work - by myself and own a Ford Expedition that gets 11 mpg and travel on vacations with a travel trailer. I don't like $2.00/ gallon gas any more than the next guy, but I ain't complaining! If I really objected, I would change my lifestyle.

God I love this country!!!!!

**Except my house isn't too big.

Maybe I can send you some of my house (along with the mortgage payment!)...

Thanks but no.....I've already sold 1 child, a kidney and had to give up my crack habit to pay for our little slice of heaven in the People's Republic of Kalifoornia

Which reminds me, Dan--the kidney was already too worn out, the kid ran away, and the crack was cut; naughty, naughty.
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Posted by dharmon on Wednesday, March 9, 2005 9:27 AM
Sorry...all sales final.

Now I do have a liver, pretty high mileage though......
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Posted by wallyworld on Wednesday, March 9, 2005 10:54 AM
And we are the crackheads.

Nothing is more fairly distributed than common sense: no one thinks he needs more of it than he already has.

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Posted by SALfan on Wednesday, March 9, 2005 11:22 AM
GM would be ecstatic if people wanted GM's cars like addicts want crack.
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Posted by Modelcar on Wednesday, March 9, 2005 11:46 AM
....On the question of where Checker purchased their drive trains...I can answer some of that....The last models were using production Chevrolet engines and we {Borg Warner automotive}, were suppling the auto. transmissions....and they were made just like other production models as far as quality parts used in them...I was right to the asssembly line and watched them installed....That's a few years ago now......


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Posted by oltmannd on Wednesday, March 9, 2005 3:16 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Modelcar

....On the question of where Checker purchased their drive trains...I can answer some of that....The last models were using production Chevrolet engines and we {Borg Warner automotive}, were suppling the auto. transmissions....and they were made just like other production models as far as quality parts used in them...I was right to the asssembly line and watched them installed....That's a few years ago now......

That would be correct!

So, the guys who made "million mile cars" used the same parts as nefarious GM with their sneaky plot to adict us to "planned obsolete" cars.

Oh, please!

What next? Lincoln was abducted by aleins and is the father of Madonna's child?

-Don (Random stuff, mostly about trains - what else?

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Posted by Junctionfan on Wednesday, March 9, 2005 3:52 PM
Crack dealers?!?! Plumbers?; they often show crack...............
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Posted by SALfan on Wednesday, March 9, 2005 3:54 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Junctionfan

Crack dealers?!?! Plumbers?; they often show crack...............

Strippers sell glimpses of crack, and prostitutes . . . well . . .
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Posted by edblysard on Wednesday, March 9, 2005 9:44 PM
No appoligies here...
I live on one corner of the Golden Triangle....and my railroad handles thousands of tank cars each year, full of some type of product made from crude....
So what I really want is for each and every one of you to drive some place fact, drive some place far....

In all seriousness, making gasoline is not the only use for crude oil...the plastic keyboard you are typing on, the shell around your monitor, the shoes on you feet, in fact, just about everything in your home in some way used a oil related product, either directly in the product itself, or in its manufacturing.

I love to point out to the tree huggers(no offense, we need more trees) who lean against their Volvo wagon, in polyester running shoes, wearing a pair of slacks, cotton and polyester, pumping gas into their car, whos contents, about 90% of it parts, are made from some form of oil product, that they can complain about my gas hog Magnum all they want too, but that almost every thing they are wearing, and every thing they use each and every day is made from oil and its by products.

By the way, the Magnum is now getting average 18 mpg city, for a 4400 lbs car with a V8, that aint bad at all, and it meets tier 3 emmisions...

Take a serious look around where you are sitting right now, I bet you can find over 50 different items that, in some shape or form, used oil in its production.

The very internet you are using right now has to have fiber optics, made from oil related products...something as simple as a zipper made from plastic, to the super fine lube used to oil the bearing in your iceboxs compressor, you couldnt survive in the manner you expect with out it.

Burning a candle?
Odds are the wax in it is parafin.

The uses for it are so numerous as to be almost beyond counting.

Take a good look around and see what I mean...


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Posted by choochin3 on Wednesday, March 9, 2005 10:10 PM
To quote the late great Rick James.( Cocaine is a hell of a drug!)[swg]

Carl T.
I'm out Choochin!

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