Freight car data

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Freight car data
Posted by Teditor on Tuesday, February 22, 2005 11:04 PM
This is a combination model and real information request.

How do I find out what some of the small writing on freight cars says, are there standards.

I am particularly interested in instructions given beside doors of older (40ft steel) boxcars.

Do things like "shut and secure doors before moving vehicle" have merit.

One car in particular I am interested in is a Pacific Great Eastern 40ft Boxcar of around 1943 built date vintage.



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Posted by edblysard on Wednesday, February 23, 2005 4:46 AM
It has tremendous merit....if not secured, the door can come off quite easily during switching.
I have had one peel the door stop away like it wasn't even there, fly off, and land a good five or six feet out from the car.
Some of the doors on boxcars can weigh upwards of 1000 to 1500lbs.

You best bet is to do a internet search of the raifan photo site...

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