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<p>[quote user="Euclid"]But the main cause was to show the world how to build bridges much faster. This race to completion was essentially marketing for FIU being the customer for the bridge and having a strong interest in promoting their Accelerated Bridge Construction engineering program. [/quote]</p> <p>To avoid misunderstandings, Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) doesn't make building the bridge on a site adjacent to the final location faster. It minimizes the road traffic disruption. A bridge build in-situ takes month to build closing the road completely. Using ABC reduces the disruption to hours needed to the the bridge to the final location and build it.</p> <p>In my point of view ABC makes sense.</p> <p>BTW ABC is not new. A remember a number of steel bridges erected this way, mostly across waterways. Here is a link to the erection of a bascule bridge using a 900 tonnes shearleg in the Port of Hamburg: <a href="http://www.hanse-dampf.de/bruecken/retheklappbruecke_1/17retheklappbruecke_3610.jpg">http://www.hanse-dampf.de/bruecken/retheklappbruecke_1/17retheklappbruecke_3610.jpg</a></p> <p>And a continous bridge with two shearlegs.</p> <p><a>[url]https://kreuzfahrt-3d.de/inhalte/2013/06/letztes-br%C3%BCckenteil-der-baakenhafenbr%C3%BCcke-in-hamburg-hafencity-wird-montiert.jpg[/url]</a><br />The element is 100 ft long and weighs 550 tons.</p> <p>From steel to concrete is just a question of weight and available mode of transportation.</p> <p>[quote user="Euclid"]How could the project have gotten so far without realizing that the location of the central tower was unacceptable? [/quote]</p> <p>Why would the new position of the pylon not acceptable? You can't build bridges as you like but as the boundary conditions permit. And is the art of the bridge engineers to adjust to these borders.</p> <p>Nothing with bridge made this failure inevitable. Correctly designed, analyzed, as well as build and erected in the correct working order every thing would be OK by now.<br />Regards, Volker</p>
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