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Smoke, sparks, fire & scary noises.
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by Randy Stahl</i> <br /><br />I work with some very rough and tumble guys. alot of the machinists are over 250 lbs 6'1" you know the type, beer drinking loud and tough. I found out just HOW tough one night. I was selected to repair a dynamic brake hatch on an SD-45, the cabling was badly burnt and we were out of the correct cable. the best we could do was try to strip some cabling out of a scrap engine ( I think the 8993) I asked for and receive a helper in the form of Donny A, a big tough RR man from the GBW. We crawled up into the hood of this locomotive hulk and proceeded to unbolt cableing. I was briefly startled by a group of pigeons sitting directly on the cables I was taking. Since it was pitch black out the birds didn't want to fly away so I figure I'd just move them to a different perch. I grabbed one and said "here Donny, put this stupid bird over on your side , I jumped a foot when Donny let out a blood curdling screech, I thought he was hurt. Igot out from inside of this hulk and pressed Donny to find out what the problem was, he said he didn't like pigeons and he proved it , squeeling like a little girl . Of course he wanted to make sure that we kept this to the two of us. <br />Randy <br />[/quote] <br /> <br /> <br />[:D] <br /> <br />He's probably seen that Alfred Hichcock movie one too many times.[:0]
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