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America's railroads: The "poster boy" for graffiti vandalism.
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<p>[quote user="Murphy Siding"]</p> <p>[quote user="jimnorton"]</p> <p>For the record.......Two of these responses came from the <strong>President and Chief Executive Officer</strong>. The NS response actually started with <span style="color:#ff0000;">"Wic Moorman has asked that I respond to your concerns</span>.." So, to say that these are trivial responses to a railfan is not really a fair assessment. </p> <p></p> <p>Someone also doubted the validity because these were letters and not e-mails. Proper correspondence is still in the form of a letter. An e-mail might be your style but I harken that to contacting the railroads via the CB radio!</p> <p></p> <p>But do realize when a citizen wrote the railroads about a concern it merited a personal letter from the highest in command. Try getting that with so called "important" concerns about carbon footprints and quiet zone crossings! </p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <p>[/quote] Sorry to break it to you. He didn't send you a letter. It was probably an intern. So, yes, these are trivial responses to a rail fan. Since you've written that letter, in your estimation, how much money has NS actually saved by following your lead to rid the world of grafitti?</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <p>[/quote]</p> <p>Poor Jim... He's gonna be crushed. He thought he was getting the real deal. [;)]</p>
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