Trains Magazine Railroad Merger Tree foldout

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Trains Magazine Railroad Merger Tree foldout
Posted by on Thursday, December 24, 2015 1:13 PM

Hi all,

Sorry if this subject has been discussed ad infinitum, but I'm actually just looking for a specific Trains Magazine issue.  The issue in question contained a foldout showing a fairly recent Class 1 railroad merger tree (or family tree).  A friend in our Model railroad club brought this issue to a club meeting several years ago, but we're not sure which issue this was from. The foldout, as I recall it from memory, shows the current five American class 1 railroads in the center; UP, BNSF, KCS, Norfolk Southern, and CSX.  Radiating outward toward the corners were each of their predecessor railroads.


I attempted to search through the forum first before posting my question, but I'm not really sure what to search for in terms of key words.  In attempting my search, I did not find what I was looking for.  Does anyone recall this issue with the foldout?  If so, can you please provide the year and month of the issue?


Thanks in advance, and Happy Holidays!

Jon Zook

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Posted by Paul_D_North_Jr on Thursday, December 24, 2015 3:15 PM

Hi, Jon.  First: Welcome

Probably 1999 - Jan., Feb., & March - see below:  

Diagrams of the lineage of four railroads: CR, BN, AT&SF, and CNR
from Trains January 1999  p. 76
atsf  BN  CNR  cr  history  merger 


Diagrams of the lineage of Union Pacific and Norfolk Southern
from Trains February 1999  p. 46
history  merger  NS  UP 


Diagrams of the lineage of four railroads: CSX, Guilford, CP , and KCS
from Trains March 1999  p. 68
CPR  CSX  GTIS  history  KCS  merger 

See also several of the articles here (will have to scroll down a lot): 

Ditto (at the bottom of this lengthy page): : 

- Paul North.

"This Fascinating Railroad Business" (title of 1943 book by Robert Selph Henry of the AAR)
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Posted by EDDY LIU on Thursday, December 24, 2015 3:41 PM

Hi Jon,

I think the issue you're looking for is the November 2010 issue of Trains Magazine. The center foldout is titled 'Railroad family trees' and exactly matches your description.



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Posted by Leo_Ames on Thursday, December 24, 2015 6:36 PM

I remember something like this from within the past 3-4 years. 

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