Trains Magazine
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Train Lay-up Procedures
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<p><span style="font-family:verdana,geneva;font-size:small;">I conclude that proper lay-up procedures were either not followed; or they were followed, but the condition created by those procedures was disrupted after the fact. It would seem to me that a loaded train parked atop a grade and left unattended is like a bomb ready to go off. And with a town certain to be devastated if the “bomb” goes off, it would be irresponsible to leave that train so that any passerby could release it and let it roll down the hill.</span></p> <p><span style="font-family:verdana,geneva;font-size:small;">This raises the question of whether leaving a train parked under such circumstances is legal and proper. I am not sure what the answer to that question is. </span></p> <p><span style="font-family:verdana,geneva;font-size:small;">There was a big controversy a couple years ago when a local TV news department went out and filmed the cab interior of a locomotive on a train that had been left running and unattended. They reported this on their news, raising the question of whether the practice leaving trains unsecured was safe and reasonable. As I recall, they brought this to the attention of the FRA, and the FRA promised to do something about it. We had a thread about it on this forum, but I do not know how to find it. </span></p>
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