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Depot Diner & Coffee Shop
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Mornin' All <br /> <br />Mookie, you better get that TV before somebody else does. [:o)] Sounds like the trash left the trash, except for the TV. Actually I am surprised they didn't take the TV too. They are probally behind on the weekly payments for it. If they left that quickly, sounds like they had more problems than we will ever know. You probally are much better off without them, and probally a little safer too. [^] <br /> <br />Speaking of weekly payments . . . we have a new place in town that actually rents the tires for your car and rims too. You can RENT a <b>pair</b> of rims <i>OR</i> tires for one week for $9.95. They do have rims and tires that cost more if you so desire. Let's see, 2 pair of tires at 9.95 = $19.90. If you rent both rims and tires double that to make $39.80 a week for tires and rims that you do not own and can not keep. Gee, what a deal. <b>NOT</b> Remember, those are just the cheapos, you can go up to 49.95 for a pair of tires or rims. Those "dealers" must be laughing all the way to the bank. <br /> <br />The 4th was busy, moreso than I expected. [B)] But the railroads don't shut down as much now as they did in the past. They did try to run fewer trains last Thanksgiving and Christmas. It seems like the train crews helped out too by having a little "holiday" sickness [:0] which also slowed things down. <br /> <br />It sure was nice to have a day off yesterday. I didn't get much done around or in the house but that is ok. As mookie would say, they can wait. [;)] <br /> <br />There is nothing special going on weather-wise. It is hot and humid and dry. The state had scattered showers for the last two days but it might rain for a minute, then the sun would come out for 15. They would take turns but no significiant amount of rain fell, just enought to make it worse. [:(] <br /> <br />I noticed our gas prices went back up before the 4th holiday. I have not looked since last Saturday but the price then was $2.99 for premium unleaded and $2.79 for regular. I am afraid by next year at this time that $2.79 a gallon will be a bargain. I hope I am wrong. <br /> <br />I got an instant message from Zach yesterday. He and Kevin were on Peak's Island out in the Atlantic. They stopped in at a library to use the computers and keep in touch with everbody. <br /> <br />Well today is my Monday again. [:(] <br /> <br />Everyone Take Care <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
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