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A Big Change for Grade Crossings?
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<p><span style="font-family:verdana,geneva;font-size:small;">Wherever this concept goes, I don’t see its future rising or falling just on this one report. There is no law that says you have to offer your entire concept for peer review right out of the box. Obviously, they are not even at that point in the concept yet. But even as it is, they have already laid a lot on the table in concrete terms. They have made a clear proposal. If all you scientists who want peer review would look at what the report says, there is plenty to critique in concrete terms. You don’t need the whole thing just to get started.</span></p> <p><span style="font-family:verdana,geneva;font-size:small;">I think that the most interesting aspect of this concept is the relieving of the railroads from liability. Do you honestly believe that as a first step, this report should have come out with an A to Z strategy for making this profound legal change so it can be reviewed by experts? I have no idea of whether this liability relief would be possible, but it seems to me that the report makes a fair case for it. It also makes a compelling case for a sea change in crossing protection starting with getting crossings out of the hands of the private railroads and into the public sector. </span></p>
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