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Keystone XL Pipeline vs. Tank Car
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<p>[quote user="tdmidget"]</p> <p>Think this thing through. Would it be practical for you to receive your residential water supply by truck or rail? Yet the quantities are magnitudes smaller. Obviously the pipeline is more efficient. If you still don't believe me then I suggest that you try to fill two swimming pools. One by your garden hose. The other from an identical faucet, the same distance away, but you must carry the water in a bucket. Somewhere in there i suspect you will have an epiphany.</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <p>[/quote]</p> <p><span style="font-family: verdana,geneva;"><span style="font-size: small;">But what if you had to apply for a permit to use the garden hose, and it could take years of review for approval, and there was no guarantee that any permit would be granted? </span></span> </p>
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