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Illinois terrorism Security video
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<p>[quote user="PNWRMNM"]</p> <p>Rich,</p> <p>You are a prime example of how totalitarian regimes take over, bit by bit. You, who I will guess are not over 40 years old, probably do not remember the days when you could freely walk onto an air liner. I do and I remember the first hijacking, D. B. Cooper, in the Pacific Northwest.</p> <p>Frankly, I would feel better if the entire flight crew were packing .45's with hard plastic anti personnel rounds and I could carry on board with those same rounds. That would be at least as effective as what we are doing now, would cost less than 1% of what we are spending for those morons at TSA, and would cost no one their liberty. </p> <p>Unfortunately governments always want to restrict and control the population. </p> <p>By the way what "real and demonstrated" terrorist threat to railroads have I missed?</p> <p>Mac [/quote]</p> <p>Pistol packing crew and passengers! Wow! It is not difficult to imagine the consequences if gun totting passengers open fire on a suspected terrorist. If they are like most civilians, they would have many more misses than hits. And there is a good chance that they would shoot a number of passengers, as well as each other, before they figured out that there was no threat. </p> <p>A couple of weeks ago there was a shoot-out on the Texas Eagle in Dallas. The police, who we are told are supposedly professionals, shot a bad guy who had a pistol and drew it. In the process the police, again supposedly trained to respond appropriately, hit the bad guy and a bystander. </p> <p>The bad guy drew the suspicion of the police whilst he was in the Dallas Union Station. They suspected he was carrying drugs. Instead of stopping him in the station, where he could have been isolated easily, they waited until he boarded the train before approaching him. To repeat these are supposedly highly trained police officers. I would hate to think how gun totting civilians, who have had little if any real training in firearms, would over react on a crowed airplane. </p>
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