What is the ideal railfan/family place to live?

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What is the ideal railfan/family place to live?
Posted by agentatascadero on Thursday, September 2, 2004 5:29 PM
I have lived most of my life on/near the SP coast line, which once was far busier than now. During that happier time I lived about 100 yards from the Atascadero station, whose last station agent was my dad. A railfan might choose any busy line. A fan with family has choices to make. Weather is a consideration for me, I need "no bake, no freeze" which rules out a lot of track. There probably is a temperate zone near the Arizone divide, but homesites? I would think the Sierra foothills on the Donner line might work, and there might be some temperate homesites on the Feather River line. I've actually found sites between Dunsmuir and Mt Shasta City, in fact there is housing very near Canterra Loop, but declining traffic.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, September 2, 2004 5:39 PM
You could live on the Peninsula near Caltrain...

You could live along the coast line near Ventura with both UP commuter trains and the VCY and F & W all nearby. Seacliff is a nice spot.

There are many others too...

Of course, you may be constrained by price a bit (I would be)

Just get a job working on the RR. I guarantee you it will cure you of wanting to live anywhere near the tracks...

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Posted by agentatascadero on Thursday, September 2, 2004 6:04 PM
LC, thanks, but no thanks regards RR employment, especially now that my body is old and creaky, though I do admire and somewhat envy "insiders". And I'm a straw-chewing hick, so rule out cities. Most housing I see from the train seems to be of the low rent variety, which is why housing near Canterra Loop is so attractive, it's not low rent(class) but not estate priced either-nice but affordable. I've never been able to shake the bug I acquired living 10 years (1952-62) at Atascadero. The absolute highlight was the Tehachapi detour period, in, I think, 1953. We were one mile from Henry siding, and I was impressed that a 4400 could get a westbound really moving(30-40 MPH) compared to a cab foreward which seemed to struggle to make 15-20 MPH with a similar train. Also every time a cab foreward came through town nuts and or bolts were falling off, I wondered how they ever could remain assembled.
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Posted by MP57313 on Friday, September 3, 2004 1:21 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by agentatascadero
I would think the Sierra foothills on the Donner line might work,

Gets mighty warm up around Auburn, and the prices have gone up there too. Maybe on the Nevada side?
How about Seligman or Ash Fork, AZ?

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